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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/18 in all areas

  1. At the end of my Hell Week, I posted about the guilt of 1 million smokey kisses. It brings me much happiness that my kisses are now fresh & sweet. I no longer turn my head when my husband wants to kiss me. I can kiss my kids & grandkids completely guilt-free. If I see a good looking guy at the mall, I run up and steal a kiss! When they give me a weird look - I simply say "You're Welcome". Ok, I'm kidding about kissing strangers...... Enjoy those kisses nonsmokers......I know the recipients do!!! KTQ
    9 points
  2. Sketti - Yes Smoking - NOPE
    8 points
  3. I'm buying a book that teaches one how to make Kumihimo braided necklaces. I can learn a new craft that I've been wanting to try for a long time, and as a special bonus, I get to keep my hands busy.
    7 points
  4. I am sitting on train with a soggy bum but still I.... NOPE....???????????? It's batterin doin... !!
    7 points
  5. Morning lovely Nopers. Hope we are all hail and hardy. So figured it was time to introduce the train to the beauty that is Fersdee Fun Facts... where when I post a share an odd little fact about somehting, usually Australia, but I'm not biased or anything... so as you nope today consider this... Platypus are poisonous, they contain enough venom in their barb to kill a large dog or small human... not so cute now are they.... NOPE Topic of the day: Songs or Artists from your youth (sorry for no topic yesterday, got lost in my own head and had to give myself a time out)
    6 points
  6. 6 points
  7. 6 points
  8. So my Great Grandma re-married after my G-Grandad passed. Gran Norm was a tea totaller and when my mum and her sibs would go there for the holidays he made them practice this little saying every day so that they had it memoriesed (as both my Grandparents were smokers).... My mum (who never smoked, Dad smoked from 10-24.. so not in my lifetime) who never smoked taught it to my kid.. which with her dyslexia is actually a huge achievement... it used to piss me off no end that she would sing it as I went out to have a smoke. But now its pretty apt.
    6 points
  9. 6 points
  10. My reward for my first month quit was a pizza party for my family. We all love pizza and they had put up so much with my smoking over the years. With the reason for the pizza everybody, especially the grandchildren, had a great time, followed up with a family movie without me having to step outside several times during the showing. Cannot tell you how happy that made me.
    5 points
  11. 5 points
  12. Good morning my fellow Nopers... and as we travel this day on the QT lets reflect on the fact that sometimes you catch the biggest fish with the smallest of bait... so on that note: NOPE, not today, not tomorrow, not ever, never again. Topic of the day: Disney Movies and their characters (don't have to be cartoons) (betcha 'someone' will post pics)
    5 points
  13. OK ... I admit it ........... I DID buy lipstick
    5 points
  14. And what a good excuse to kiss handsome strangers ?
    5 points
  15. Good morning. I pledge NOPE for today.
    5 points
  16. 5 points
  17. NOPE- no smoking and no playing with platypuses!
    5 points
  18. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    4 points
  19. That is such a sweet post Beazel. Thanks for sharing. (and what a good argument against relapsing!)
    4 points
  20. SOS's work, I used it a couple times early in my quit and people came running to help. Let us do what we do best which is help each other beat this nasty addiction. I didn't even put SOS in my titles but worded it in such a way that others knew I was struggling. The important thing is to post and let us help
    4 points
  21. Hell yep I'd give it a bash.. couldn't do a fish eye though.. wouldn't be able to pop it, and if I managed it I'd spew my ring with the eye juice.. know what I mean ?
    3 points
  22. Only had raw once, fried a few times and the lollies heaps. If you were staying on an Aboriginal community and were offered bush tucker would you not try it?
    3 points
  23. Everything. Literally everything. LOL! Waking up. Coffee. Eating. Driving. Working. Drinking. Television. Laughing. Crying. Stressful situations. Fun situations. Hugs. If I'm to change my routine, then I'm with Rusty... a three-month medically-induced coma sounds pretty good right about now. LOL!
    3 points
  24. Clarosa, one important thing to remember is that everyone here will have their own different experience of what has worked for them. You won't necessarily like all the advice given, nor necessarily how it is delivered. Remember though this is your quit, take what is useful to you and the rest, well you set it aside. Anyone who takes time to share something is demonstrating they care whether, just maybe in a different way to what we are ready for. Be strong and go for it. We're willing you on!
    3 points
  25. Well not a ridgy didge newbie now... my first month anniversay was lost in the horror that was my christmas from hell. I hadn't even realised until Jillar noticed and gave me a not. Since month 2, I buy myself a new t shirt each monthly anniversary with variations of NOPE on the front, so far I have one in a baseball style, one in Morse code, one in binary and not sure the next one will be yet but I better make a decision soon... I have also bought a laptop and paid for the kids camp.
    3 points
  26. Brilliant post Beazel. Guilt free hugs and kisses are awesome.
    3 points
  27. Cos they like the sound of their own voice.. Why is one never enough...?
    3 points
  28. right said fred - im too sexy
    3 points
  29. 3 points
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