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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/18 in all areas
Morning lovely Nopers. Hope we are all hail and hardy. So figured it was time to introduce the train to the beauty that is Fersdee Fun Facts... where when I post a share an odd little fact about somehting, usually Australia, but I'm not biased or anything... so as you nope today consider this... Platypus are poisonous, they contain enough venom in their barb to kill a large dog or small human... not so cute now are they.... NOPE Topic of the day: Songs or Artists from your youth (sorry for no topic yesterday, got lost in my own head and had to give myself a time out)10 points
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A shaky start to the day for some reason. Nope! knocks that on the head.9 points
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Got in my car yesterday after work and blindly started reaching for a pack of cigarettes. What an eye-opener that was... such an ingrained habit that even as I sat there mentally reminding myself that a craving won't kill me and that I'm a non-smoker, my traitor hands went rummaging for my pack of cigarettes without permission from my brain. It's a good thing I don't actually have any cigarettes, because I would probably have lit up out of habit before my brain actually registered what my traitor hands were doing. LOL!7 points
Just a reminder, especially for Newbies. Use the SOS page please if you are feeling overwhelmed at some point in your quit. That's why it's there and there's always someone around to throw you a life-line It's not an imposition. On the contrary. It's an opportunity for one or more of us to lend you some timely support. It not only helps you but it will help the people lending support too. I review the celebration list every day and see people silently slipping away from us far too often, which is why I'm posting this message. Today alone I saw three people on my list who have not even logged on in over a month. Saddens me to think they have just silently slipped off the train without giving themselves and all of us a chance to save their quit. I hope they have kept their quit and just decided they no longer wanted to participate here but logic would suggest that's probably not the case. Remember too, there's even a "Pre Respond to You Own SOS" thread on the SOS page where you can write a meaningful note to yourself to be read by you in a moment of crisis. Check it out. Posting doesn't cost you anything but a little time and it might just be the most important post you ever make! I get it that some may just want to go back to smoking for whatever reason and they don't want to be "talked off the ledge" but just think about it for a moment. What if YOU had say a month or two quit going when some life event happens and suddenly you feel overwhelmed with a desire to go buy a pack and light one up but before you did that, you posted an SOS. A few people here post up and their words are enough to convince you it just isn't worth throwing away all that hard work you've already put in. Your quit is saved!!! Hey, it happens. It happens as long as you give us and even more importantly yourself a chance to take a step back and reconsider . Some of us are reluctant to call out for help when we're struggling because we think others may see it as a sign of weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. It takes guts to reach out and it shows you are committed to this process. There's no weakness in doing that. Weakness is just giving up without even trying to save your quit. Please don't slip away without giving yourself a chance at letting others who care help you save your quit! I don't want to see YOUR name on my celebrations list and wonder; "What the heck happened to them?7 points
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Just about to turn the phone off for the dawn service but need to do this Today as I stand and watch the sun rise as and remember all those who will never see it again i say NOPE and I will never forget. LEST WE FORGET Topic of the day: tba7 points
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That's how it goes Sunny. It really does take a long time to reprogram our brains to function without smoking. As you said, it's so ingrained in us that we just automatically fall back to what we have trained ourselves to do. Now, you need to think about all that stuff which is exactly how we retrain our brains. It's a slow process but it does happen.6 points
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I’m more than two weeks smokefree. Yay me! i just sat down to work email and wanted to, visualized it actually, reaching for my pack of cigarettes. Like a ghost or shadow it was. It caught me by surprise. Reminder: I have not given anything up by not smoking. This is just the many, many years of habit acting on my brain and physical being. The muscle memory. It will take time to rewire me so I have to be patient and not give any more thought space to smoking thoughts than the initial thought itself. There is nothing to miss about smoking. I was its slave. I am free without it. I can hike up the rough trail of the mountain, I can watch a whole movie, and I can ride in a car without the window open. I have more time to be the me I want to be because I’m no longer held back by smoking.5 points
Huge congrats to you GITW!!! A half year smoke free is HUGE! Be sure to celebrate all that hard work you've put in because you deserve something special to mark the occasion! Well done my friend5 points
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Thank you guys, I do appreciate every kind word! Today I had to run to the bus "guilty lazy morning" haha, although, something happened, I had forgotten to eat and put my nicotine patch on! I got desperate to say the least and around me were so many smokers, But... Something happened, I felt the smell and it disgusted me for some reason, I didn't feel the need to ask for one or even look at it, When I got to work I just bought something to eat and chewing gum, as I remember that it was my dad's trick when he quit, For my surprise it worked, I got distracted working as I was busy and kept on chewing. I hope your day has been good.5 points
Congrats Gordo on reaching that second milestone in your journey to life long freedom from this addiction. Every month you stay smoke free early on is a huge accomplishment so be sure to celebrate your hard work today. Well done Gordo!!4 points
So my Great Grandma re-married after my G-Grandad passed. Gran Norm was a tea totaller and when my mum and her sibs would go there for the holidays he made them practice this little saying every day so that they had it memoriesed (as both my Grandparents were smokers).... My mum (who never smoked, Dad smoked from 10-24.. so not in my lifetime) who never smoked taught it to my kid.. which with her dyslexia is actually a huge achievement... it used to piss me off no end that she would sing it as I went out to have a smoke. But now its pretty apt.4 points
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I'm so proud of you, Rusty! Sounds like you are really having a tough time this go round, but you're doing great! You really are! My husband still smokes, and he goes outside as well, but I understand exactly where you're at. You can do this. You're almost at a week already. You know it will get easier, right? It will. I promise. Just don't smoke!!4 points
Yeah, I remember being exactly there Rusty so you are not alone in what you are feeling. It's early days and you are in the thick of those initial battles with your addiction. You just need to buckle down and get through these days. They won't last long. Distract yourself in whatever way you can so you don't focus on those cravings. Deep breathing exercises work great to calm yourself. Remember, every battle you do against those cravings, they will get weaker and you will actually get stronger. Just don't smoke anything because YOU are now a non-smoker4 points
Ok...I admit...I have a dirty mind.....Dick said ..see it go.....I might read this ...whahaha....4 points
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