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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/18 in all areas
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Hi everyone. I really try to avoid coming to the board and complaining these days. I mean I’m through the worst of my quit. The horrible hell, heck and WTF weeks are long gone, as is the fabled no persons land. Most days are fine now and I rarely think about smoking, but I have to say SOMETIMES, that’s right at random times, I have a hell, heck, WTF moment and can only describe it like an intrusive thought of really wanting to smoke. I do of course talk myself out of it but this can be tiring at times and annoying. Don’t get me wrong I am grateful since it’s not as bad as the first weeks but I have to say I’m waiting for the day when I NEVER want to smoke!5 points
GITW, it's really good to hear honest posts like this. Every quit is individual, but I'm certain that there are many other people that relate to your experiences and will be relieved they are not alone. You're doing great. Sazerac, your words of wisdom and experience are always great to hear. Thank you.5 points
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Hi givein, sorry about your bad day but it is normal and totally to be expected. Sazerac said it best, remember we smoked for a lot of years so it's not going to magically disappear in x amount of months. I'm hoping your tomorrow is better5 points
Hi G, Please don't avoid coming here to complain, your experience may help someone else. Sometimes, nobody is complaining and someone is suffering when an honest post like yours could make a big difference. Congratulations on your quit ! You are only five months into your Freedom, please cut yourself some slack. I, too, was annoyed by smokey thoughts still taking me by surprise when I was well into my quit. 'Is this ever going to end ?', I wondered and yearned for a time, a date when it would be done. I celebrate 5 years quit in the Autumn and...well... to tell you the truth.....even after all this time, I still get minuscule tugs from my nicotine addiction. It is not in my daily consciousness but, the thing is, addiction never goes away. You can put the addiction to rest and hardly ever know it is there but, I had to accept that once in a while, smokey thoughts will surface. They are easily dismissed and more and more powerless and infrequent. Now, they merely serve as a reminder to never take another puff EVER, and that's kinda good. I'd hate to find myself feeding my addiction again. Vigilantly yours, S5 points
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Huge congratulations to all who have celebrated important anny,s while I've been off board... Give yourselves a massive pat on the back...treat yourself to something special... After all...you peeps are truly amazing !!!!. Keep marching !!!4 points
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8,684 Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Four times I did not pollute myself and my dear environment. Yeah! ??????? ?? Dutchess4 points
gitw-- that's why this forum exists, to help people quit & stay quit. Always come here first! You did the right thing. Those days will pop up out of the blue and smack you in the face. I still get a smack every now & again. That's all it is. A bad day, a great day, a rainy day, a crisp sunny day - all may trigger memories our smoking past. That's all. Memories of a previous life. How we used to deal with life's challenges & celebrations. We still have to deal with the good & bad. That doesn't change. Our breathing does & for the better!3 points
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Because we're suppose to be good today so that we don't get arrested too Why do I keep playing this game?3 points
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Sorry Barry still here,Just that sitting at the computer was a major trigger for me to smoke.Day 27 without sucking garbage into my lungs now and I can sit all day at the computer.I still get a craving maybe once a day but I just laugh it off.Have a ways to go yet but I WILL NOT smoke another poison stick again.I set up an automatic deposit at my bank to put the cost of a weeks smokes into a savings account every Friday,sure nice to click on the account info and watch it grow Cheers all.... Kev3 points
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