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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/18 in all areas
Another one who is made up to have found this place after the demise of QSMB. Glad to see many of the regulars from QSMB on here aswell. I joined QSMB around my quit day of 1/1/18 and was really helped by the site. Been struggling a bit this past week or two but still a non smoker, and still fully determined. I'm sure my quit will get an added boost now I'm back amongst my fellow quitters.10 points
A quick NOPE...while sleeping beauty is having that BIG sleep ,after travelling for 28 hours...shhhhh... Happy Birthday Catlover.hope you get spoilt today !!!!!....10 points
Well hello everyone my name is Kevin and I have been a smoking dummy for 35 years,but no more.I have beat a codeine problem years ago,now it is time to go to battle with the worst of my sins Nicotine .What a first couple of days it seemed like every 10 minutes i was hit with a ( WHERE THE H*LL IS MY NICOTINE) Today not near as bad.Lots of fruit juice,toothpicks gum and good country music sure helped and hey looky here I saved myself $150.00 so far.There is absolutely nothing good that comes from smoking cigarettes.That addicted part of your brain could care less that to get it's fix ,it is destroying your body.My first year anniversary I think I am going to buy me a classic car and my dog and I are going on a road trip......Thanks for letting me babble folks9 points
Ooooow it's Mother's Day will i get spoiled..... NOPE... Happy Birthday catlover xx9 points
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Hello, I just want to start off stating that Feb 24th was my first year smoke free. I just want to give a bit of insight on how things went and are still going. This may be a bit in length but to totally understand it has to be, sorry. I came home that night on the 24th after I said goodbye to my daughter whom was off to rehab for her own addiction. I said if she can do it so can I even after 30 years of smoking. Putting these down is nothing compared to what she was about to go through with her opioid addiction. She is now 21 just starting life. Get into that later. Anyway the first three days were out of this world. Can't really explain them but very nausea and little to no sleep. To be honest I really can't remember all of it because i think it was so horrible my brain just won't let me go back there but visions have me so scared I will never pick up a nicotine product again. Then came the end of the week and onto week two...pretty smooth feeling better and now getting 5-6 hours of sleep a night. Week three was it...anxiety anxiety anxiety like my world just caved in on me. It was to the point of what they call derealisation where nothing seemed real to me. I only ever had it happen to me once before when I got high with marijuana with my cousin. Thank God it ended after my high ended. Anyway guess what this time it didn't....here we go full blown panic..omg ...what am I going to do I can't handle this feeling, I'm going crazy this cannot be happening to me. Why won't it stop ...did I do permanent brain damage from smoking cigarettes all these years...so on and so on my brain was in full overdrive. You name the most horrible sensations I could feel and trust me I felt them. I need to call the doctor I need to do something...then I thought what's the worse thats going to happen..I may pass out and shit then I won't need to worry cause I will be out like a light. Guess what I wasn't blessed with that pleasure ...as soon as it would get close to that point it would back off. This went on for weeks. I went to counseling and it was what I figured and what the doc said anxiety at it's worse, whats going on. Here's where it gets good. To start off my quit was never planned, just shot from the hip and did it. Along with the anxiety came the complete opposite depression so bad it dropped me to my knees in tears at times. NO JOKE. Never have I felt so empty inside and lost. To start it all off I lost my mother 4 1/2 years ago and never really dealt with it. When she passed from liver cancer I grieved and had lots of smokes. Two weeks after she passed I settled the estate with smokes. 3 months later we bought a new home. Another month later I was promoted to be an Engineer for my job. Smokes like a chimney for that cause if I didn't pass I was out of a job. I passed by the way thank God. Anyway shortly after that I remember bringing the train to a stop at a red signal and having a panic attack. WTH is wrong with me I though....smoking that's it I quit. The very next day was the day and the day our daughter got her help. Through counseling and talking with others here is how it is for me. I did everything with a cigarette from the time I was 17 to 47. I mean everything ...sorry about this but after sex was the best one even better than the one with coffee in the morning. Drinking, socializing,sadness,stress...I did everything with a cigarette it was my best friend and my biggest crutch. See I am not a casual smoker or a smoker who smokes just because it makes them feel good, I am a smoker who smoked because everything in my life revolved arround smoking and I had to have it. Smokes cured me of everything...I would say FK it and light one up. Now I put them away and my world just came crashing down upon me like I never in my life experienced. Also my wife had an affair during all this because I was never home always working and just not paying attention to her. Talk about the final blow. This happened May of last year for a month and a half it went on. I found out confronted the both of them and about kicked her ass to the curb and bought a pack of smokes. I packed them and opened them and took one out. Looked at myself and said really, really ..fk this. Put it back in the pack and gave them to my wife and told her she may need these more than me at this point in time. So lets review...mother passed away....never really mourned her loss because it was to painful put many other things first. Promotion at my job. Wife affair and daughter hooked on heroin all in the past 2 years of my mother passing. Summary.....when I put the smoked down I was literally hit by everything I ignored and pushed to the side and hid with a cigarette. Here it is a year later and I will say things are better on the home front. Wife and I worked things out. She is my best friend and I pushed her away like a fool. Daughter, well she is back in detox as of yesterday and will try it all over again. This is just the tip of things in my life. What I really am trying to say is everyones quit is unique and personal. Be true to yourself you are a lot braver that what you think you are. You will walk through the gates of hell on your quit there is no doubt about it but just remember you will come out on top. I am not going crazy nor did I do permanent brain damage from smoking..lmao. What I did do was close responses to normal dopamine that take time to heal and recover. All addicts do this thats why its an addiction. I still have bouts of depression and anxiety. I am learning a whole new lifestyle. Think about it you are literaley changing your lifestyle without nicotine and its scary but it can be fun sometime. I like waking up and smelling my wifes perfume that wore off on the pillow rather than stinky smoke that wore off my hair. For those who read this thank you for taking the time to read it..I let out a bunch of personal things in my life but if you can't speak the real, then there is no sense in saying anything. I cannot give a time frame on when you should feel better from quitting but I feel fantastic at times and other times physically great but still an emotional train wreck. Hills and valleys but one day it will level out, because you will achieve goals and set a new future that you can look back upon without a cigarette. I won't say good luck because it's not about luck...IT ABOUT YOU AND YOUR WILL. My family is why !!8 points
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Nope! Happy Birthday @catlover ?. Hope you get spoiled rotten coz you deserve it!!! xxx7 points
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Thankyou Beazel, looking forward to breakfast in bed in the morinng and cake, gonna be a fat cat7 points
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OK folks. An inspection of the Lido Deck was completed today in anticipation of the arrival of 2 lovely and well refined ladies from QSMB. Both Beazel and Dutchess66 will be arriving on the Lido Deck within the next week so we need to be sure things are "ship-shape" so to speak. Food and beverage supplies seem to be arriving on schedule and generally, things are in good order with two glaring exceptions. I need two teams of guys (not ladies this time) to look after these issues right away so these new arrivals to the Lido Deck aren't somehow exposed to the ugly aftermath of our most recent deck party. I've provided visual images of both issues to illustrate that indeed these issues do exist and yes, they require immediate attention. I need three guys to go to the men's room on the Lido Deck. At least one must have some plumbing skills. Two of you need to wake Sslip up and haul him out of the stall while the one with the plumbing skills fixes the toilet! I also need a couple of you guys to get over to the party room and get that drunk stripper out of there. We're going to be using that room as a reception area with a variety of wine and cocktails set up on the table, available for the guests. We WON'T be requiring any "live" entertainment for this event! Thanks in advance for your cooperation; Reci.5 points
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Nope!!! And many happy returns Catlover. Have a fanastic day! And sticks I think we may be obliged to allow chicks to win the day today or at least keep the spankings to a gently proportion5 points
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Happy mothers day to those living on the little Islands off the coast of Europe.... Or to personalise it: Poms: Happy Mother's Day Scotts: Latha màthair math Taffys: Diwrnod Mam Hapus Micks: Lá na Máithreacha sona duit Hope you all have a lovely day an get spoilt rotten by the little rotters.4 points
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Dear friends, Thank you all for your kind reactions. I did not write this because I felt sorry for myself. But I was somewhat surprised that even after almost one year of being smoke free, one can still dream so vivid about smoking. Today a smoking friend and I went to the Matthäus Passion of J.S Bach in a midieval church nearby including diner etcetera, In short: the works. She had to smoke when there was an opportunity. I felt no regrets really. Only freedom. The concert was heaven. Dutchess4 points
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You've been quit for pretty close to a year now Dutchess66 but, how long did you smoke for? 10 years, 20 years ........ longer maybe? Every single day of those years there were little imprints being made on your brain every half hour or so of your waking moments - every day of those years. Smoking related thoughts were with us all those days even though most were bubbling just under the surface of our conscious thoughts. A short year ago, you decided to quit smoking. Your brain was suddenly super focused on all those smoking related thoughts you have battled successfully It isn't surprising to me at all that any of us would have an occasional dream about smoking. It also doesn't surprise me that us smoking in those dreams would seem so normal because somewhere in your mind being a smoker is still much more "normal" than being a non-smoker. Of course it's a shock upon awakening with those images of yourself having smoked still there in your mind but take heart ..... it's YOU that's at the controls here in the waking world and a year ago you made the right decision to quit and you have chosen to follow that path ever since. I fully expect the in the waking world, you will continue along that path - why wouldn't you right? The longer you are a non-smoker, the further back in your mind those smoking imprints will be stored and I suspect they will fade to nothing at some point and yes, it's good to remind ourselves from time to time what we have done for ourselves and how important it is to maintain our new lives as non-smokers4 points
If we call it Dishabille Immersion of Rare Golden Bunny Feci Restorative Malange do you think they'd pay top dollar?4 points
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Me too im committing to a body conditioning class at 10.30!! No slacking!!!3 points
All of that is wrong lol. And I wouldn't like pizza either if I lived there! Fish on pizza just shouldn't happen even though some people do like anchovies on theirs....3 points
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Geetarsteve, you are so right about not wanting to go through those first days/weeks again! In the beginning of my quit I did it "one day at a time" and sometimes it felt like "one minute at a time" but thanks to drinking lots of cold water, deep breathing exercises and playing solitaire on my phone....I powered through those brutal times. No matter what trials/tribulations you go through in your life....putting a poison stick in your mouth and lighting it on fire isn't going to help you one bit!!3 points
Just finished taking my granddaughter swimming and still haven't come up with a plausible answer to Why is the swimming pool called fairfield if there's no fair and no field?3 points
Didn't do a formal workout this morning, but got plenty of exercise. Did some volunteer trail construction/maintenance work this morning. Around 6 miles of hiking and a bunch of work with a grub hoe, bow saw, and pick axe. If you're looking for a good full-body strength exercise...find a boulder that's roughly the same size as a Volkswagen Beetle and try to move it with a pry bar. That'll get you pumping.3 points
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