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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/18 in all areas
13 points
13 points
After many days trying to access the QSMB site, I am so very grateful to find many of my quit buddies here at this site. These are the folks who saved my quit so many times, the thought of continuing without their support (even after 11 months quit) was unthinkable. Looking forward to catching up & also meeting new quit buddies. Hopefully, some of the historical “classic” posts from QSMB can be saved? Wish I had printed some. Hugs to each of you!12 points
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Just want to introduce myself and say hello. I put the smokes down a year ago on 2/24/2017 and it's been a journey ever since. Lots of hills and valleys. That's what life is anyway only I kicked my so called companion to the curb and still learning new coping skills. I can only wish new folks who put there last smoke out to hang on it will get better. There is no luck involved its all about believing in yourself and posting when things get over whelming sometimes. So a BIG hello to the quit train and everyone aboard. By the way I am a locomotive engineer by trade..go figure.10 points
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You all are all too kind but thank you very much! This is truly a labor of love and my little way of paying it forward as there have been many people who have helped me throughout. This place will go nowhere. Especially since I Trademarked our name over two years ago.8 points
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Hello! Name’s Barry. Mid-50’s, smoked 40-ish years. Quit in October for the last time. Quit for a few other significant periods before. Good to have a place to hang out.7 points
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I finally figured out how to post cutesy stuff!!!!!!! sorry, I'm so excited...now for what's really important.............. NOPE6 points
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Hi everyone, new here. This is it for me. I've tried and failed to quit a bunch of times over the last few years, and it's a constant battle, so I'm pretty much always in a state of either withdrawal or relapse, never really feeling good or feeling good about myself. Just quit for two months, then relapsed on super bowl sunday (my team was in it! I figured just one day off and I'll get right back to it! Stupid.), on and off since then. But this is really it for me. I can feel it. This time is different. Going cold turkey, really committed. Starting in the morning, and never going back, not just for one day, not just for one second, not ever. I think in the past I always figured I could take "a day off" a few months down the line, so that got me through the near term bad times, but always backfired because once you start thinking that way, eventually you're going to relapse. But I want to live long, and I want to feel good, so I'm just going cold turkey and I'm going to blow through the cravings and the bad moods and the misery and just get through. What's different this time? Three things: 1) The resolve. I'm there. I'm not giving in again. 2) The understanding that this is forever. I've never done this before with the clear understanding that any relapse, even one second, is the same as not having even started. 3) This board. I'm going to try posting here when things are really tough. I figure this will, at worst, give me a place to vent to people who understand, and hopefully distract me enough when things are bad to get through. So I'm not going to say "Here's hoping", because this. is. it. I am done. Thanks for listening!5 points
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I label my pets for identification purposes. (No animal was harmed in the making of this picture)5 points
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Mollie! I'm so glad to see you I think we may be able to save some old content and bring it over as I was able to find Mental Balloons thanks to Nancy reminding us about the wayback machine. But since this place is blowing up with all us new members it probably wouldn't be a good idea to start bringing over a bunch of content too. I'm trying to behave here after all lol5 points
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