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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/18 in all areas

  1. Nope!!! PS anyone know where I can get some wellies?
    11 points
  2. NOPE. I quit smoking. And it wasn’t for health reasons. Nor financial reasons. I had smoked all I wanted for 38 years. It was just time for me to quit.
    11 points
  3. Hi All Yet another from QSMB here. Delighted to see the warm welcome you fellow quitters have given. Hope everyone is doing fine, glad to have found y’all again and looking forward to making some new quit friends Andy
    10 points
  4. NOPE -- not in anyway especially now that I have 8 weeks behind me and already a day or 2 into the 9th week. It has helped so far so not stopping the NOPE pledge now.
    10 points
  5. 10 points
  6. No way I'm smoking on a Friday! NOPE!!!
    9 points
  7. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
    9 points
  8. Alas, it appears I am homeless. Although I seldom post anymore, I still need a place to call home. I am hoping one of my friendsnremember me, and make a little room at the table. O am over three years quit now, and it must be working, I couldn't remember my quit date to register. With that said, hello familiar faces, jope you let me hand around. Sorry all, typed late at night on my cell phone! Plus I guess I'm known for typos!
    8 points
  9. G'day its NOPE for me C
    8 points
  10. NOPE... I'm not smoking today.
    8 points
  11. NOPE..... Even on 2hrs shut eye is Nopity Nope Nope,Nope.
    8 points
  12. Mental Balloons Posted by gonfishn21 on 16 January 2015 - 06:17 PM As I'm now chasing the tweenie label, and have been thinking a lot about the concerns I have had regading No Man's Land, its got me thinking again. As most of you know, that means I'm going to ramble. Although I am not one that needs a lot of kudos, it seems that it is a necessary part of this process for a while. We make it through day 1 HURRAH!!!!!!!!!! We make it through hell week HURRAY!!!! Heck week over, " I feel better" HURRAy!! Two weeks, wow, learning to get through the craves, HURRay! Three weeks, can be around my friends and family without committing a felony, HURray Four weeks, nerves under control, waistband a little tight, not bad, HUrray Five weeks, walking, eating right, digestion shut down, but not smoking, Hurray Six weeks, no craves, no moods, no smoking, digestion shut down, HUH? Seven to eight weeks, no one wants to know but you, how you are doing. By the way, my digestion is shut down! They really stopped wanting to hear weeks ago, you just kept talking about it. You can see it in their eyes when you walk up. They probably have a pool about how long it will take you to bring it up. Or even worse, the day your digestion works! Yeah, wow woot woot yippee, big deal. Hello No Man's Land' How am i going to keep going with this? I need to bring my own ballons to the party. I know my friends and family care, but they dont get it. Even as firm as I have been since day one, this is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I know it, thats all that matters. As i reach the little milestones ahead, I need to be the one who says HURRAY!!!!!. I need to be the one who acknowledges the accomplishments. Afterall, in the end, I made the decision to quit, I made it through hell week, heck week, and i am the one who may never digest food again. I need to remind myself everyday, how much I have accomplished, BEFORE I have a chance to get weak. In that way, I can stay ahead, be ready to face any challenge with a strong defense. Smoking is no longer an option for me. Smoking is just something I used to do. I control my actions, and smoking is a choice. I choose not to smoke, even if I never digest food again. I found a website the other day, that actually teaches you HOW TO SMOKE. I couldn't believe it. It takes you through lighting it, drawing on it, how it feels.......Holy Crap I was feeling it!!!!! Two flipping months into this, and I was feeling it, and then I knew. I had to make mental ballons and carry them with me at all times. Everyday is a celebration, everyday needs reminders, and everyday has its challenges. There is no one here, that can not do it. I'm not special. I'm just going to carry my own balloons. Just sayin, Gon
    7 points
  13. I met a guy at my tennis club a few months ago and we quickly became good friends. A while back, I casually mentioned to him that I'd quit smoking and not only did he not believe I'd ever smoked, but he shared with me that he'd quit drinking roughly around the same time. We've had a number of conversations about drinking/smoking and I think it really helped us bond. Well, he's going through some pretty serious family stuff right now and yesterday, he admitted to me that he's been thinking about drinking. He's so messed up right now, he needs something -anything- to numb the feelings he's experiencing and of course, alcohol is the go-to remedy for that. Anyway, without going into too much detail, it was interesting to me how after talking for a while, I basically said all the same things to him that I've said/read a million time in QSMB. I guess what I'm saying is that not only have you all helped and supported me, but you also gave me the wisdom to help and support a struggling friend. That's pretty awesome and I thank you for that. NOPE!
    7 points
  14. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    7 points
  15. NOPE for a brand new month!
    7 points
  16. NOPE.... Not on my 1 monthaversary!!!!!!
    7 points
  17. 7 points
  18. 7 points
  19. NOPE Happy Friday, everybody!
    6 points
  20. Hi guys and gals, I'm jillar the bunny. I'm also from the lost island of QSMB. I want to thank you quit train for being so welcoming to all of us I'm trying to navigate the waters here (we bunnies don't really like water) and will probably have a few questions as to how things work over here in regards to posting animated gifs, tickers, signatures etc. So any clues would be appreciated
    5 points
  21. I will join you in your NOPE Martian5 because that is all it takes to be smoke free forever
    5 points
  22. Quitting smoking is a process that will have a beneficial impact on far more aspects of your life than simply deciding whether to light up or not. The things you learn and practice during the process carryover. Commitment towards achieving a goal. Identifying the lies you've told yourself and cutting through your own excuses. Delayed gratification for a greater good. Doing something you convinced yourself you couldn't do. Quitting is a treasure trove of valuable life lessons. Strength begets strength. Success begets success.
    5 points
  23. Gawd sake.. I was up that early that I posted in the wrong NOPE... So I'll try it again before I fall asleep....!!!! NOPE.....
    5 points
  24. Nope. Smoking is not an option.
    5 points
  25. I activated the signatures (not sure why I had them off) so once the ticker program is completed, the tickers can be added.
    5 points
  26. Well, make that a Pepsi and Capt. Morgan, and I will slide right in thanks.
    4 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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