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  1. Nope! I am a non-smoker. Cigarettes do nothing for me. They take away my time, my money and my health
    11 points
  2. Hi All! I hit the 10 year quit mark February 19th. It's no secret, this game of attrition, watching the months turn to years, and seeing the years stack up. It used to be a war though, and anti-smoking militancy is very important when you quit. Passion is a must and you need to feel that and want it more than anything. So this is it isn't it? Isn't 10 years the time when we are supposed to be back to "normal", and you should be as if you never smoked? Normal is a relative term, but appropriate here given that the process of quitting views the nicotine addiction as an abnormality, which it is. If you quit. A couple of things I learned over the years is that you can't quit for someone else, and that smoking was a really bad choice, something I started in my childhood that I carried along for decades because I was addicted by choice. Sometimes it requires standing on the outside and looking in to see something for what it is. The impulse, the whim that I quit on, gave me some precious time to unwrap my life from addiction and allowed me to try to get my head around it. Being here off and on has given me a place to think, write and read about how we deceive ourselves to perpetuate our addiction. I have read that a person has marginally better odds of staying quit by belonging to, and being reinforced by the membership of a forum like this one. These quit anniversaries are important, especially early on, as they reinforce the wisdom of the finally making the right choice and sticking with it. Carry on and keep the quit, it's worth it! Regards, Markus quit 02-19-2008
    9 points
  3. Hello all! Permission to come aboard? I'm Jane, I smoked for 20yrs, quit cold turkey on Mother's Day 2017. I really enjoy this whole quit process...it's changed me and my life for the better. I love to celebrate and helping others remember the joy in their own quits. Thank you guys for your hospitality and I'm excited to join y'all!!
    9 points
  4. 9 points
  5. Here's to the new week! NOPE!!!
    8 points
  6. 8 points
  7. Nope. I can’t smoke tomorrow. I quit smoking!
    8 points
  8. Hello All, I moved here from the qsmb just like a few other folks here. Quick introduction. I quit Cold Turkey and Am 141 days smoke free currently. Nice to meet you all.
    7 points
  9. Good morning. Making my first Quit Train NOPE pledge: I pledge NOPE today.
    7 points
  10. Nope. Smoking is not an option.
    7 points
  11. NOPE! Not going to smoke today!!!
    7 points
  12. Hello all. I am another displayed person from qsmb. I stopped smoking cold turkey close to 10 months ago. It has been my only quit. Nice to meet you.
    6 points
  13. Hello I am officially quit. Woke up and felt like it was time. No planning just felt awful. Throat sore, weezing, numbness in my feet for quite some time. Put out the last cigarette at 10:30 and said to myself this is it. Cold turkey and no looking back. Been a pack a day smoker for 50 years. Everything I do revolves around that so called reward. Just reading here this morning has been an eye opener. Who rewards themself with poison? I know I have a long way to go but I am so determined to succeed. So I am going to continue to read and educate myself and hold myself accountable by pledging NOPE. I will succeed. Thanks for listening.
    6 points
  14. I came across this story by Jase, thought it was good, so I,m sharing it hope thats ok. https://healthunlocked.com/nosmokingday/posts/132915959/small-story-the-smeagol-and-gollum-in-me...
    6 points
  15. I love this post ...I'm not going to be a party pooper...but I'm going to point out WHY you all keep your quits...and you make plans for the future... My hub has end stage emphysema... Amonst heaps of other stuff... He smoked till he couldn't pull on a cig any more... I am one of his carers....he struggles to breath...oxygen is in and out of our lives....we carnt make plans together... This is why I stay around this fabulous place..is to make folks truly understand ,what can happen if you don't quit.... Carry on !!!!
    6 points
  16. I faced...quit smoking or possible amputation... For me to relape ..would be me saying...goodbye feet...you and I are to parted .... Yes quitting can be uncomfortable.... But how uncomfortable is spending what time you have left ,knowing you chose between a smoke or your feet... Somethings are just worth fighting for...... Freedom !!!!!!
    6 points
  17. Hi everyone, I am so glad I found this! I was a member of qsmb and was relieved to see familiar names here since the site went down. Quit with Champix on feb 4th. Still struggling but it’s getting a lot better each day!
    5 points
  18. Hi Kris. I am new too. Glad you are taking the leap. We can be partners in the quit as I am just starting too. Counting hours...heading toward 3 hours quit.
    5 points
  19. Hi and welcome... So glad you found us... Good advice above...read as much as you can..till your eye balls hurt ...it will be the weapon you fight with... You will main this war.,by winning the battles... Join in our daily NOPE thread.... You can do it....change the trying...to doing it...
    5 points
  20. ^^^ Welcome LizQuit! Come join in the conversations and read all you can here about this horrible addiction we all share. Lots of info. in the "green pinned" threads at the top of the Quit Smoking Discussion Page
    5 points
  21. Hoping to be healthier for longer so I can travel some when retired
    5 points
  22. Spend more time with my grandchildren and work more on my photography. Also to try and enjoy my retirement and not where I am going to get my next pack.
    5 points
  23. Well most of my motivation for quitting is spot on with Sazerac's. I had been seriously thinking about quitting for a few months and trying to cut down November through December. I am a disabled veteran and have been treated by the VA medical system for over thirty years and the care has been anywhere from poor to good. In the last couple of years the VA has been under fire for its treatment of veterans. The doctors there would always state that I needed to quit but there was no conviction in what they were saying. A couple of years ago I was assigned new doctor and she has been pretty good and would also state on all appointments I needed a quit. I saw her in early December and went over this pretty good. A couple of weeks later some of my tests had come in and her nurse called me. The nurse said the doctor would do anything to help me quit, the tests were beginning to show some serious negatives. We had a long discussion over the phone. After that call I realized that my Doctor and the Nurse truly cared about me and not going through the motions. I do not know why but this stuck with me, so much so that after the first of this year I quit, just jumped off the cliff cold turkey. Though the last few weeks there have been difficulties I have not looked back. To say the least my VA medical team is ecstatic (as well as my grandchildren). I know you have to make to the choice to quit yours and for yourself but, sometimes somebody really needs to knock you upside the head and show you that your are worth more to yourself.
    5 points
  24. Just wanted to point out that we have an SOS page here. For new quitters, this is a place to post up an urgent message if you feel you are being overcome by an urge to smoke. WAIT - don't do that! Post up an SOS on this page and wait for 3 responses before you do anything!! There is also a "Pre-respond to your own SOS" thread on that page. This is where you can write yourself a message in advance. Something that is meaningful to YOU!! Go there when you feel weak and read it! It just may be what you need to re-energize your will power. At the very least, it will buy you time. Very strong urges to smoke don't last all that long so buying some time is important!
    4 points
  25. My first attempt at quitting. I've been reducing the number of cigarettes I smoke for about 2 weeks now and I've made some progress, but my anxiety is through the roof right now. I didn't realize how much just slacking off would affect me. I'm determined to be a quitter, though! My mind is made up, just have to get to the other side! I knew it would be hard, but it is much harder than I realized.
    4 points
  26. Welcome, LizQuit! I smoked for 44 years and just celebrated my 1 year quitversary on Feb 10th! Knowledge about what to expect after you quit is key to keeping quit! Read all you can here and watch the videos to prepare. Take it one day at a time. Drinking lots of water and practicing deep breathing helped me through my anxious times (and there were many in the beginning!) and now here I am one year later smoke-free and happy as can be about it!
    4 points
  27. Thank y'all so much for the encouragement! I'm the only smoker in my circle, so no one around me understands the struggle. So glad I stumbled across this page! Just quitting for today....I love that!
    4 points
  28. My motivations to stay quit: - I was on my way to an oxygen tank. What a ridiculous way to live when I have the power to defeat that possibility. This was my main motivation to quit in the first place: I finally got angry enough about this to do something about it. - My self esteem is now all entwined with quitting. If I ever gave in now I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The fact that I successfully quit makes me feel good about myself. - And joyful. Some days I can actually feel joy about my breathing and my discipline and my release from the slavery and my new daily exercise routine, that came about solely from quitting. - and $1000.00/year money in my pocket ain't too shabby a reason either. Thanks for the post Sazerac. It's a great reminder and motivator.
    4 points
  29. Yup, i watched my mother quit because she had to and she told me quit because you want to and dont wait like i did. When it got a lil windy out my mother had issues breathing. I'm from the school that i know the years i smoked can and may came back to me and bite. Watching someone life revolve around tanks and not being able to do the little things in life should be enough reason but i was an idiot even after seeing that. No, not me. I learned NO, Not me can indeed be me
    4 points
  30. test.... I think they are more alive!!!
    4 points
  31. I saw somewhere "A puff away from a Pack a day". That always helps me to stay quit.
    4 points
  32. 4 points
  33. 4 points
  34. 4 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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