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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/18 in all areas

  1. New Day. Same pledge: Not One Puff Ever... NOPE!
    4 points
  2. Ah, Joel and Nancy, thank you both so much for looking out for me! Joel, your videos are not scaring me; quite the opposite. I want to have as much information in my think-bank as I can and I really like the way you present the topics. And Nancy (that's my sister's name, too!) thank you for stepping up on my behalf to make sure the information wasn't too much/overwhelming. If I could give you physical hugs right now, both of you, I would (and they wouldn't be stinky!) but virtual hugs will have to do. You don't have to give your time and effort and care to this cause, but you do. You pay it forward. I'm getting all teary sitting at work and reading this. Tears of joy! Again, a hundred thousand thanks!
    3 points
  3. Sarge has resigned himself to the life of a YoYo. Training season begins ... lose 25 to 30 pounds over the next 8 or 9 months ... Training season ends ... gain 25 to 30 in a lousy 3 or 4 months. Down, up, down, up, down, up ... It's been the ongoing story for about 6 years now. But it's better than the 25 years prior of continuous and ongoing up, up, up, up. If it had kept up at its prior rate, Sarge would be going at about 290 these days (BMI of 40-ish - extremely Obese). With the running/training keeping it in check, even though it fluctuates, it stays between 155 and 185 (21 to 25 BMI - "Normal" range). Up and down is better than continuously up. Recognize when you go out of bounds and reign it back in . We did it before, we can do it again, right? EZPZ
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. You are not the first to relapse. My first "quit" in years was Oct 2nd and lasted 4 hours. So I got a better plan in place and Oct 6th I quit again, and have not lit up since. Some might shame you or whatever but here is what i have to say - When we fail at something, the best thing to do is to re-examine what went wrong so we can come back next time more prepared to fight. Each time we do not succeed, we learn more. learn by our mistakes. So now is the time to rethink what you could have done different, like what caused you to buy some, and next time you can beat that temptation. Beating yourself up does no good. Just get back up and jump back in.
    3 points
  7. 2 points
  8. This is one of my babies she never sits still for anything.
    2 points
  9. My sides are splitting....
    2 points
  10. Someone needs to separate Doreen and Boo. Boo, it is about a group of surfer guys who keep getting attacked by this rare breed of sea creature called the camel-toe shark. It gets really deep into things.
    2 points
  11. Easy there my friend .........
    2 points
  12. Finally, finally FINALLY put five days together after a week of buying packs and tossing them after 1-4 smokes. Finally put five days together after having a real hard look at how good life can be when I'm free. Five days feel like a miracle after all these years, but I'm determined to have not one puff ever. Thank you, all of you, for spending time here sharing your experience. If not for this forum I would be so much more tempted and if I ever smoke again, I don't know if I'll make it back.
    2 points
  13. I walked on the treadmill on an incline for 45 minutes then 10 minutes of shoveling snow. What is everyone else doing today? Everyone meeting their personal goals? We got this!!! And good luck on training for the iron man, Sarge, I have no doubt that you can do it. Lisa
    2 points
  14. 1 Im glad Reci is onto you ladies.... D.... doing great. I’m with the little granddaughter this morning while the other 3 went “shelling” again... quality time!
    2 points
  15. 0 we're sneaky, ok...
    2 points
  16. 4 years smoke free. I would have forgotten....but my Facebook timeline reminded me. I would have forgotten because a long time ago I quit thinking “I’m quitting smoking” and simply transitioned into a non-smoker. My new grandson was my motivation; I didn’t want to be ‘stinky grandma’. When my motivation would feel shaky, so many folks here provided me with reminders. I will be eternally grateful
    1 point
  17. My wife’s little bitch. She thinks she owns the damn place. We have always had a dog. Always had them as a youngster also. My dad still has two.
    1 point
  18. Good workout this morning. Did my planned boxing work plus additional jump rope work and a couple of bonus rounds on the double-end bag. I will master the double-end bag eventually.
    1 point
  19. Is this a film about hydro-topography? If it is, count me in! I've already confessed to my obsession with whitewater videos (AKA river porn). Hydraulics, standing waves, eddy lines, rooster tails, haystacks, undercuts...I'm getting all worked up over here.
    1 point
  20. Thanks Boo: I get messages every day from people who are celebrating months, or years and sometimes even decades of their quits thanking me for the resources I have put out online over the years. I am amazed at how many of them come from people who say that they have watched every video and/or read every article I had ever put out. Actually I have people tell me that they have watched my videos multiple times. I actually find it hard to fathom why people would do that considering the length of time this would take but for some people it seems to have been important to them. Again, I feel the more I can give them the more they can pick and choose of how much or how little they want to utilize. Thanks for your feedback here Boo. Actually, right before you and backtoreality posted I sent a message to the board's management to see if they feel that my participation is a problem for the board. As I said in the video above, I am kind of in an experimental phase here as to how much or how little to do outreach on the Internet. By the way, I also want to make it clear to all reading here that most people don't need to read or listen to all of the materials that I have in order to quit. In actuality, quitting is really a pretty simple process. All that a person really needs to know to pull off a successful quit is that to quit and stay off is as simple as making and sticking to a personal commitment to never take another puff. Joel Related resources: http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/quitting-smoking-is-a-simple-process/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/a-100-guaranteed-way-to-successfully-quit-smoking/ (I believe that this one contains my shortest and most succinct video on the topic of what people need to do to quit smoking)
    1 point
  21. We are so happy to have you here...you can do this...we were all were you are now.. Just make sure you keep buckled in..great job !!!!
    1 point
  22. Yes!!!! just get back up? you can beat this, just have to beat the first week then it's much easier.
    1 point
  23. Welcome BTR it is good to have you along on this train. There are many people here that will be more than happy to help you along the way -- especially when the going might get a little tough, there is always a hand there. I have been only doing this for the last 2 1/2 weeks and this sight and the people here have been fantastic. Read, research and post -- it really does help.
    1 point
  24. Doreen, maybe you could change Boo and Reciprocity's titles to "Women's rights champion". they would LOVE it
    1 point
  25. Welcome to this wonderful train, BTR! Your 5th day is coming to a close soon! This is a great accomplishment. You can definitely do this BTR. We are all doing it here and some of us, like me, never really thought we could. It's a myth that you can't quit smoking or that it's too difficult. It's definitely doable as you can see. Keep your outlook as positive as you can- if you find yourself feeling sorry for yourself, deprived, depressed, angry, whatever, acknowledge that feeling, attribute it to the addiction, and move on. Think instead about the positive aspects of your quit and don't fall into that hole. We're here when you need a boost or a hand-up out of the hole, should you start to fall in. KTQ!!! (Keep that quit!)
    1 point
  26. KATIE!! You can do this. Somethings that works for me that may work for you. I can, I just don’t want to. Tell me I “can’t“ do something, well you know.. Do things you did when you smoked but didn’t smoke when you did them. Get on YouTube and find Allen Carr’s book. Take your quit extremely serious, your life depends on it. You have to find what works for you and use it. They do nothing for you. They take your money, your time and your health. Stick close to the board. Let people know what you’re feeling. Not only does it help you, It helps us as well.
    1 point
  27. Aww noooooo.... Ok....let's do this for real... You've found out ...losing your precious quit stinks... So let's make this one count...... Learn by your mistake...and move on..... Pity you didn't SOS first..this old girl might have helped you through the tough time...and saved your quit..... That frying pan is hanging there ,for times like this ...
    1 point
  28. Welcome aboard this fabulous train... Its a fascinating journey...plenty of ups and down ..curves in the track...but...will gtake you all the way to freedom... You have the read...the book...you have watched some videos...you have your weapons.... You can do it....commit to NOPE !!!...never take another puff... Come and pledge with us...the days turn to weeks,months, years.... Looking forward to getting to know you better ....
    1 point
  29. So glad you have joined us! Sounds like you are doing everything just right!
    1 point
  30. Yes you can do this BTR!! I watched my father die of smoking related disease as well as a sister and continued to smoke in spite of all that. I just got to some point in my own life where I knew "it was just time". Let this be YOUR time Hang around here and let us support you while you educate yourself even more about this horrible addiction. I think you'll be pleased with what a great tool it is to have a support group like this to help you find your freedom
    1 point
  31. Smoking didn't solve anything. The cigarette was not enjoyable. The regret was instant. The idea of smoking we have as addicts versus the reality of actually smoking are polar opposites. The addicted mind paints a portrait of the cigarette as a portal to relaxation and clarity. It's a myth, a lie. The reality of smoking is the inhalation of poison that provides a very temporary fix. The mind and body do not relax after smoking. The relief sought by addicts in smoking "just one" is an illusion that never comes to fruition. You smoked a cigarette Katie. It's unfortunate, but there is no way to unring that bell. Take it as a hard lesson learned and move forward with renewed and unwavering commitment.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. remember the lethargy the ugly coughs and the stains on your teeth running out of breath climbing two flights of stairs the self loathing the indifference and the numbness the dependence and the compulsion the frustration and the aggression the shame of doing it despite being fully aware of all of this and more And then remember the energy The pride in dealing with your problems The hope The strong will to live long and do things that matter to you The freedom Take a minute (or three ?) Think about this. It may seem irrelevant right now, but you'll see the point again in an hour, a day, or a week. Remember how bad that feels. You know both paths. You are strong enough. Make a choice you won't regret. (Remember how bad that feels?)
    1 point
  34. Well done Ellen.. It will be good to come back here now and again..just to remind yourself of why you want to quit.... Spend time reading all the others too...it will pass some time away...and get more motivation...
    1 point
  35. That's so true..don't feed the little monster ,he will soon die... He knows already he's in trouble...x
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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