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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/18 in all areas
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Sorry about your friend Doreen. In the throes of addiction, we turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the consequences of smoking. This is serious business folks, will you choose your path or wait for the cigarettes to determine your fate? Choose wisely.3 points
You reminded me it's only been a few days. Feels like a lot longer than that. My bad moment passed, feeling better now. Didn't smoke.3 points
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I am for now but I have a few new year's resolutions. I am going to start... Drinking Smoking (again) Chewing tobacco Over eating junk food Spend money more foolishly and Save less money Getting more into debt Spend more time sitting on the couch Paying less attention to family and friends Cussing a lot more and definitely more road rage Going to church less Wishing away each day Be less grateful for what i have and instead be more jealous of my neighbors Discussing politics at inopportune times. Get addicted to porn Did I miss any? On a serious note - no I am not gonna start drinking, smoking, or chewing. The rest of the list though...3 points
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In one hour and 47 minutes, it will be three full days exactly for me.2 points
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Keep going Tyme...One week is something to be very proud of..no soggy dishrags here...2 points
Thank you! This support is helpful & energizing (except that I feel like a wet dishrag right now....but getting better) in that I know I am accountable for my own Quit. “False starts” & “Failed attempts” are just too damned hard on a person, as one just goes through all the initial symptoms of withdrawal again & again. Dumb & pointless. I’m staying away from triggers & succeeding at staying smoke free. Developing new methods of dealing with stress helps too. I’m 1 week smoke free today. ?2 points
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I know it is silly but I feel excited and proud of myself for making it through the first day and nobody died!!!! LOL. My wife is quitting along with me but she is doing her own thing to make it. I am just happy to say I am on Day 2 without a cigarette.2 points
If you really wanted to hurt yourself on snow, you should have tried snowboarding I tried it once cuz the kids make it look easy. Think I broke my bum several times2 points
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My name is Edie and I have been a smoker for the better part of 46 years. I have attempted to quit many times before but I am doing things differently this time. 1. I am doing this cold turkey. I have read from many people that if you really want to quit for good this is the way to go. 2. I am using this support group. I have never done anything like this before and I am hoping that it will help with the urges. and 3. I have let those around me know what I am doing. I feel like by telling people in my circle I will be more accountable to them and won't want to let anyone down. I guess that is it for now.1 point
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Don't buy smokes! You have a few days invested already in this quit. Don't throw those away. Go for a walk or have a shower or a bath instead. Do anything but smoke. You CAN get through these tough moments Christine. Think about the reasons you wanted to quit. Keep those fresh in your mind! Smoking kills - quitting heals1 point
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Yes relapsing over and over again is a horrible way to approach quitting smoking. Yet smokers are often taught that it is inevitable that they are going to have to quit over and over again before they get their "one true quit or their "sticky quit." I think the terminology varies from site to site. Whatever the term, I believe this message that people must quit multiple times before they are able to succeed is wrong, discouraging and down right dangerous. Here are a few resource pages I have addressing this issue: http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/is-relapse-a-natural-part-of-the-quitting-process/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/smokers-dont-have-to-quit-multiple-times-before-they-will-succeed/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/if-this-is-your-first-time-quitting/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/the-lucky-ones-get-hooked/ http://whyquit.com/joels-videos/i-know-i-will-quit-smoking/1 point
Thanks Doreen. Your support & obvious caring is appreciated more than you will ever know ? My new profile pic shows just one little reason life is worth the Quit.1 point
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Haha not silly at all! Those early successes are huge, especially when you make it through without needing bail money and character witnesses! Congrats and welcome to the next step!1 point
For many of us, those days leading up to the quit were more of a pain in the ass than the quit itself was. We've been conditioned, partly by our own unfounded fears and partly by marketing/propaganda campaigns, to believe that quitting is some unbearable source of misery that is likely not worth the effort. Then you quit and quickly realize that feeling a bit foggy for a few days and having some nagging thoughts about getting a fix is a small price to pay for an improved quality of life and freedom from cigarettes. Congratulations Christine.1 point
Glad to see that a slip didn't send you back to using nicotine again. However, there are no practice quits. This is your life and it's imperative that you keep your quit separate from all other things in your life and protect it as if your life depends on it, because it does. There is no hope, try etc., there is only a commitment that you make to yourself that you never, ever stick a cigarette between your lips, set it on fire and start puffing on it. Every day protect your quit. You can do this just like millions before you have. Trust me and trust us when we say that you can stay quit forever.1 point
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Babbles posted three hours ago... Mexican was here in 31st Sausage is all over buddy book Why haven't they posted? Jimmy? Pepe? I will tell u y. Cuz spelckek....those morons are two dum to figur eht haw to buy pass it.... Plus a lot of people are still pissed off on how much dd cheated on the counting games and picked on the guys....so they won't post on her threads.....notice any chicks that did check in are part of her cheating crew....1 point
Seems strange, I think it would be awful, not the smoke, but the disappointment I would feel.1 point
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