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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/17 in all areas

  1. Well that's it.. silly season has officially started..!!!!
    4 points
  2. Still learning how to navigate the site and pressed the little heart button to see what it did. Everyone got a trophy, and I gave myself a face like a twisted sand shoe. I'll use it with discretion in future. I made it through yesterday without smoking and trophy for me as when sitting on the bus stop saw an UNSMOKED cigarette under the seat aarrgghh! I was seriously tempted. The dereliction of it all. Am just going to browse the site and look around but wanted to thank everyone in a big blanket THANKS as I'm convinced I would have rationalised having a smoke had I not linked up with you all. Feel stronger about approaching today.
    3 points
  3. I was about to post something similar to what reciprocity just did. I want to look as sexy as that horrific beast which is why I keep smoking. Alright, kidding, no I did not pick it back up. I decided to trade my good looks for health. Even that lung health org says it is glamorous though
    2 points
  4. You can run .... you can ride ..... but, you can't hide when it's time for your spank
    2 points
  5. NOPE. Homey don't play dat.
    2 points
  6. So glad to see your commitment to stay smoke free for 1 year...folks who commit to this..usually go off and have a great smoke free life... We tease Bakon..O.M.G....I nearly choked on my breakfast... It's clear you have not read past posts.. You have alot to learn ... I am still here because for me...this place worked... We do have a fun side...and a serious side...I feel the balance is just right... There is a saying...Take what you want...and leave the rest.... We love our Bakon..warts and all...x
    2 points
  7. I had the wrong idea. I thought this forum was to tease the one they call "Bakon". But then someone mentioned trying to quit smoking. I thought, "Well, that is a tangent from the main point of this place, yes?" Then it got mentioned a few times. I thought, "well I just gave it up myself early October. Maybe I can join the chat." The reason I am here - I followed a friend here (though she is presently MIA) but stayed for the mostly light-hearted chat. I am still not sure if this is mainly a "quit smoking board" or a "poke good fun at each other board" but either way who wouldn't enjoy it? But anyways - I am not planning on taking up smoking again as there is NO reason to. I gave away my cigarette rolling machine and I am not about to go pay $5 a pack for some stupid nasty cancer sticks. So yeah, being on board for a year is but the beginning. Coming up on two months quit, the desire to smoke has faded to a faint background noise a couple times a day and lasts maybe two seconds. I shall be here.
    2 points
  8. Please consider posting each day on the NOPE page thread. NOPE stands for Not One Puff Ever and that is exactly what each of us HAS to do each day - just say NOPE. Not forever, just for today, Tomorrow we n=make the pledge again. This is how we do it. 1 day at a time. Even 1 hour at as time in the early days. Put the past behind you and move forward positively because you have learned something good from your experience that you can use to help you stay quit this time
    2 points
  9. ^^^ I sent Denise a PM on changing her display name
    2 points
  10. Hi Denise, sorry to hear that you caved in at this point in your quit after doing so well (I quit in August so I feel your pain) you know you want to quit and are putting a stop to your cave by posting here for help. So you are already taking back control again. There is no magic wand to take away the motions we have to go through or make them better but the next best thing is education so please read as much as you can about this addiction as that will be the biggest weapon in your arsenal you will ever have. You have only had 3 puffs so please get rid of any more you have before you get yourself back into the clutches of the addiction.. we are here to help so please keep talking and let us know how you are doing.. C'mon Denise roll up your sleeves and get tore in again you can do this..
    2 points
  11. Clogging your lungs .!!!! And .......
    1 point
  12. Congratulations Wee me on having such a great quit going. 4 months is a wonderful base to build your smoke free life on. Something to be proud of so go celebrate your achievement. Just don't blow too hard on those pipes .... you know what can happen
    1 point
  13. We need the audit team to get in here and clean this mess up
    1 point
  14. Lol...making sure eh ????...ya ya..ya....we got it ...
    1 point
  15. Does that count as 2 spankings!?
    1 point
  16. 12 wee posted when I did...(should have been 10)
    1 point
  17. Oh my...thank you Reciprocity this is a lovely surprise.. and thank you Nancy, Boo, Doreen and peace Can't believe I'm 4 months in already. I remember at the start each day lasted forever and I daren't even dream I could have made it this far.. I'm feeling really good in my quit but I know not to get too complacent as Christmas will be my biggest test yet.. !!
    1 point
  18. -1 Good Friday morning Quit Train! Bundle up Doreen. For the record, it's 54*F here right now. So, swing by and warm up if you get a chance.
    1 point
  19. -1 morning peeps..December has arrived..minus 5 here this morning brrr
    1 point
  20. Yay for you, Wee me!! Four months is fabulous!!
    1 point
  21. Each individual makes their own path to freedom.
    1 point
  22. 0 zero 0 Another spanking delivered! i believe they are beginning to enjoy this. i am! well done sticks!
    1 point
  23. Well done Steely...on both achievements today.. Read all you can here..the more knowledge you have ,the easier it will be... Take smoking off the table...this saying worked for me..I understood this.. No matter what was going on in my head.... Smoking was out... You can do it...
    1 point
  24. Also thanks for teaching me how to change 'settings'.
    1 point
  25. Hello everyone and thank you your replies re my recent cave, it really helped me. This is so much more difficult than I ever anticipated even has me believe I am sick rather than 'simply' going through withdrawal. My depression is loathsome. There was a tiny (and I mean tiny) butt left from the three that I smoked and even reduced myself to sucking in what was probably mostly filter in my search for tobacco. I so hate the tobacco companies they have designed these things to keep people in chains. But, as Karl Marx said, "......you have nothing to lose but your chains." Apologies to Karl, but think he did smoke so wouldn't mind me bending his most famous quote. Won't be having any today....with today being the only place I can be.
    1 point
  26. Hi Denise ? Please stay on this site. “Maryland Quitter” can help you change your name...just click on his name & send him a message. You will get the hang of how to use the site...I had to figure it out too but it will come. The people on this site are wonderful & can help us to quit. I caved too & you will get the support you need to try again...you have to keep trying always...as I was reminded, lots of people cave but because they kept on trying they were SUCCESSFUL! It’s such a horrible feeling of disappointment to cave...disappointment in ourselves...I know how you feel...but we CAN & WILL succeed. It’s up to us of course but the support we need is here. Wishing you good luck. ? And welcome.
    1 point
  27. Welcome Denise Sorry we meet under such circumstances but please don;t dwell on what has already happened. You can't change that but you absolutely can control what happens going forward by making good choices - not necessarily easy choices but good choices for yourself. Quit now - right away and read up on this addiction. Let us support you here as you make your way to freedom. You CAN do this.
    1 point
  28. Learn from this. Whatever you do, don't let this control you and allow you to continue smoking again. If you want to get rid of that crappy feeling that you "caved in", stop smoking immediately. No need to wait until tomorrow, after this or after that; just quit now.
    1 point
  29. Hi and welcome ... As others have said..please take time to read all the information here... The main board has pinned green squares...there is a ton of useful tips...says to help you along... Educate yourself...you will need this to fight the monster. You can do it..
    1 point
  30. Three in a day is not a high volume to smoke, unlike regulars who go through about a pack. I was using three a day for four days before i quit. So tomorrow, just use none. If you can manage to keep it down to three, then using none is not that much harder. Just try not to light up that first one when you wake up. That will set the day of wanting more if you light up. In other words - it will make the craving worse than if you left it alone. Many have quit successfully, you can too.
    1 point
  31. Don't just abstained from cigarettes, quit them. You are done with them! Time to move on!
    1 point
  32. Denise you’re right, you don’t want to. You can’t change the past, but throw them out immediately. Read up on this site to occupy your mind. You can do this!!
    1 point
  33. Stealth attack win for the sticks
    1 point
  34. True. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I can't look away when any of those old stop-motion animation movies come on. The next poster still mails physical holiday cards?
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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