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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/17 in all areas
It sure is nice being able to tell doctors that we don't smoke anymore. After quitting smoking, tossing toxic people out is priority as they can undermine every single positive thing in your life.4 points
I' also have this gigantic cast iron frying pan...to hit folks over the head ,if they need a reminder to keep thier quits lol... Take it one day at a time...Don't over think things...and NOPE !!!!.....3 points
We are here to support you no matter what happened. You know you can do this because you already did. Get right back on this quit horse and stay with us. No one is judging anyone here. We are all here to support each other and get the support we all need ourselves. Stay with us!3 points
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Good. Don't forget rewards. Not all about taking something away...it's about doing something good and earning something else3 points
Couldn’t agree more. NOPE is the way to go. Now on second full day and it’s tough but getting through it.3 points
I'm sorry you guys , I didn't realize all these posts were here . Thanks for your responses, and really kind words . It's been a rough day . The good news is I am back on my quit . I appreciate the videos as well and will make it a point to watch them all .2 points
That's it. Focus on the good things that are happening because you don't smoke any more - not the difficulties that only come around occasionally. Those will soon disappear and the benefits will multiply.2 points
Start the holiday season with a cigarette? Absolutely, positively not! NOPE!2 points
Hi All, I have returned again to try and crack this habit. I had done so well for a few months but lost my way, Was a fool to believe one every now and again would be OK, it stated one at the weekend, then one in the evening, then one in the morning and a couple in the evening, then before I new it, was back to 2-3 packets a day. Last night I said NO. Threw away all my remaining cigarettes, and now have the determination to do this properly.2 points
Start again lad. Get busy. Kick that nicotine addiction to the moon like the gangsta you are. You can do it.2 points
Please don't leave the board. The important thing now is to identify the reasons why you smoked and learn from the experience so you can prevent the same in the future. Get back on the Train!2 points
Hey Abby. Pleased to meet you. Sorry about the timing. You screwed up. I’ve done that more than once. Dust yourself down, roll your sleeves up and get back on it. Seems like you had a great practice quit. Time for the real thing now.2 points
Don't let this define your quit. Don't use this as an excuse to continue to feed your addiction. I don't delete accounts, don't give up on people and don't subscribe to the notion that relapsing is any kind of a valid reason to just give up. I'll be back with a couple of videos that you need to watch.2 points
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Quitting smoking also had me ...look another aspects of my life...my diet is now much healthier,also I excersise now too... I guess while i are still under the influence of addiction..none of this stuff mattered..I now feel fitter ,healthier ,than I did 20 years ago... Even with gallstones.lol...that sluggish has gone... The beniefts just keep on coming...2 points
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Hi Jules I am new here but I think I saw some older posts you'd made. We can be "new quitters" together lol2 points
Tyme2B - right on with day three! By now you should be getting slightly used to not having a cigarette. The nicotine has left your body. So even if it is an early milestone, it STILL is one. People talk about "triggers" but for a full time smoker, everything correlates to smoking. just do your best to avoid at least some of them (some really cannot be avoided) I tell ya this - if you DO get weak and need to post an SOS, ask Doreensfree specifically why it is a bad idea to pick up that cancer stick. I do not feel it is my place to speak for the lady but I imagine she will be happy to explain. As you read, get the image in your head. Just might scare the piss out of you. She is a cool lady, even to someone like me who almost wore out her welcome within the first few posts.2 points
Hey! I’m on Day 3 of “Nope”! I have a cold so that has certainly been helpful...never thought I would welcome a cold! But I’m trying all the suggestions on this forum to remain smoke free. “Not even one” is SO true....that I know from experience. I’m feeling tired but that goes with the territory so I have read. I CAN do this!2 points
I'm really glad you are back with us Abby! Let's get this done together. It is there for the taking and we all deserve to be free of this horrible addiction. Just commit to the NOPE and we are here to support you along the journey1 point
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a cigarette in my car today. I understand that says a lot about how often I clean out my car , but still......I just chucked it in with the rest of the rubbish I found.1 point
Half an hour ago I was so ready to cave. I had an upsetting conversation and just wanted a smoke. I didn’t, I haven’t, but I’m feeling very vulnerable right now, even though I know a cig won’t change anything. I haven’t smoked in 10 days now, totally off nicotine and I really don’t want to put it back in my system, but I’m not feeling very calm right now.1 point
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Welcome back Jules. I know NOPE seems redundant to some, but it is vital to a successful quit. The addicted mind left to its own devices will always barter, bargain, manipulate and present the addict with a million-and-one reasons why that one cigarette right now is no big issue. NOPE puts the kibosh on the incessant noise created by addiction. It's a simple plan: commit to never smoke again and be relentless and unwavering in that commitment. Good call. Proceed.1 point
Sorry you're going through all this, Jb but you can rest assured that your recovery will go quicker and more smoothly now that you're not smoking. You're giving your body the best chance to heal.1 point
Yeah, only if you hang on to your quit though. When you choose to light up again, it only gets worse!1 point
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Feel better soon JB. You’re likely on antibiotics & some relaxation time with that leg. Take time to smell the turkey ? lol! And rest! Sounds like smoke free is already benefiting your lungs!1 point
Yes, I hope you get some "chill time" toward the end of this week. You deserve it having battled the early stages of quitting. You are also correct in just trying to manage one miracle at a time - lol. I can relate to that for sure I figured I would tackle the quit smoking thing first because, if I was successful at that ........... I could probably handle most other stuff later I figured if I can improve my quality of life, maybe I would be more motivated to improve other aspects of my life - we'll see. It's a work in progress!1 point
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The US govt does that for the same reason. Sure it discourages smokers somewhat but for a hardcore addict, they typically will just bitch about it then keep lighting up. I wonder though if smoking became a niche market on count of price or whatever - THEN where would the feds get extra money? They claim the tobacco tax hikes are to offset health care costs but it is hard to imagine they are not collecting more tax than what smokers are costing health care. Is it really about trying to get people to quit or is it just exploiting people who have a habit that can be a bear to overcome?1 point
Welcome back Jules. You've learned a valuable lesson that there is no compromising with NOPE. Wish you success with your quit. It's all on you... But the good news is, you can definitely do this.1 point
Quote source from fit day . Did you know ........ "During sleep, a person's weight and the number of hours he/she sleeps determine how many calories are burned. Normally, a person burns about 0.42 calories for every pound in one hour of sleep. For instance, a 150 lb. person burns about 63 calories in one hour. If this person sleeps for eight hours total, he/she burns 504 calories for the whole duration. Just multiply the average rate with every pound of weight and number of hours of sleep. Therefore, the heavier a person is, as well as the longer a person sleeps, the more calories are burned."1 point
There have been a lot of good contributions to this thread. That's a good thing in my mind. We are all learning about this quitting thing and each other too. Sometimes under trying emotional circumstances that we all go through in the early part of our quits. We all have the same goal in the end.1 point
Jetblack! You sound like me...thanks SO much for sharing your story & how you Quit this awful habit! And from 30 per day! Wow! I only have ever smoked about 10 per day so if you can do it, so can I. Congratulations on being Smoke free! I too will feel the pride you feel soon. ?1 point
I quit on a Sunday - not planned, just worked out that way. I also took 2 additional days vacation time from work so that covered Monday & Tuesday as well. I remember basically becoming a hermit for those first 3 days and I stayed in and watched TV and a bunch of videos as well. Just lost myself in mindless entertainment for those three days. It seemed to help me through the worst of my initial quit. Can't say if that would work for others but certainly keeping busy/distracted as much as possible is key to getting past the worst of the early withdrawal symptoms1 point
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You window lickers all sounded so smart in this thread I think I am in the wrong group. As for my advise- do t wait. No reason. You could be one week into your quit by then. And if you got ants in your pants and feel like you need to smoke to calm them, take off the pants and do something. Pushup work to tire the body and mind. Or leave pants on and walk. And walk. And walk just keep busy till tired.1 point
^^^ Pretty normal for early on. I was pretty much a zombie for a couple of weeks but, my diet is horrible to begin with and I did nothing to improve it so, that's on me!1 point
Did I give you the impression I was organized? That's a good compliment because I've felt SOOO scatterbrained lately LOL1 point
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