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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/17 in all areas
4 points
Posting for help saved my quit more than once too Doreeen ..... especially in the beginning , but even later on when I didn't feel particularly confident or was struggling I would post. For anyone ... I would never be afraid at any time to post help if needed.. Reach out as much as you need to . Some folks think that after a month or two or three you should be strong enough on your own and won't post for help but posting for help is not a sign of weakness it's a sign of strength and it says " I want this quit " . Posting an sos before you smoke is both helpful to the one seeking to save their quit and helpful as well to the ones who can give back to help another. It's a win win for everyone if we can save a quit and help each other through.4 points
I do love a good party but we'll have to wait until December 20th for mine. November is allllll your,s Joe!! I still have 4 years to achieve the bikini bod, right Bakon? <joe, you need to clean up your mailbox and make room for more>4 points
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In the years I've been here,I've seen quite a few come in wanting to quit, and go out non smokers. We are at the end of the day not professionals...just folks who have kicked this addiction ,trying to help others who want to quit too... Some just float in and out...some keep coming back..some just come and find it easy Peasy.... We can only give them our experiences... The quitting bit is still down to them..no matter what we say... Our daily NOPE ..is a big part of quitting ..it makes that person accountable for staying smoke free for one day... I have never understood, why those few who don't agree with the board..and say it's not running correctly... Why stay.???? There is a big world out there..in cyber...just sayin !!!!3 points
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Thanks guys. I apologize for not being more active here but this is a great place and quitting smoking is one of the best things I've ever done. At 3 years smoke free, I can't believe I ever smoked but I did for 20 years. For any newbies out there, stick with it. Quitting is definitely doable and a smoke free life is so much better than being a slave to those nasty cancer sticks.2 points
20 my work here is done! gotta go and do a real job...lol take that, chickies!! well done Boo!2 points
So Joe -- this is your first Gulf side vacation? You're going to love it; the water is more clear in the gulf than the Atlantic unless you get way south... into the Keys. The sand is whiter and softer as well... less waves. I think you meant Irma, not Isabel... unless somethings happened during my quit funk and I missed it all together LOL Most everything is back to normal, pre-Irma condition down here. It took longer is some areas than for others and here in my part we still have a crap ton of debris that hasn't been cleared because of the trouble the city is having trying to find safe places to dump and burn it... it's evidently costing a fortune. Who knew.. ANYWAY -- there's a cute local breakfast deli place there that everyone loves. The name is fitting for this forum as well: Doreen's Cup of Joe Have a great time, enjoy our sunshine, plenty to go around2 points
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One does not gain weight when quitting smoking. Something else happens that we fail to remember - As we quit, our sense of smell and taste return. So what happens then is we switch fabric softeners cause we find one we like. This switch causes our jeans to shrink more than normal. So, let us go with that.2 points
What an odd post. Perhaps you need to peruse the over 3 years of data collected on the site before you think there is not much mention of how people make it through cravings. In fact, start with the S.O.S. board and then work your way down through following two forums. Pledging NOPE is not anything like telling a three year it's time to go to bed. What an odd analogy. Odd post altogether; not quite sure what to make of this but please consider that this may not be the best place for you. I know I will be considering this on your behalf.2 points
Quitting is as easy or as hard as you choose to make it. It is, indeed, a choice. Mind over matter, folks: if you don't mind, it don't matter. Embrace The Suck, don't fight it. EZPZ2 points
Obviously you have not been around too long or read many or the previous posts where help was indeed asked for, and advice given. By your own admittance , you don't need any help nor have inquired on how to handle cravings, but many others have...including me , early in my quit, and excellent advice was (and is) givin. The daily N.O.P.E. pledge is a commitment each person makes to themself . When advise is asked for it is willingly given by many of us. If they feel like they want to find answers for themselves, the search function will turn up a multitude of posts dealing with their questions. Every aspect of quit smoking is discussed anytime someone asks.... There is a whole section of sticky posts at the top of a couple of the forums dealing with many of the questions new quitters are faced with, and in addition, many videos are also available to help educate anyone looking for more answers. I feel you painted us with a pretty broad stroke ...just because you didn't ask or receive the advice you mentioned, does not mean it isn't available for someone who is truely struggling.2 points
Great job John. I know you don't visit us too often but wanted to give you a shout out anyway. And, just to address Bakon's question of "John Who" well, here you go1 point
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We Brits have to wait for Xmas to eat a mighty feast....Turkey, pigs in blanket ..oh my,I'm drooling ....but in reality this year it will be lettuce and beetroot...1 point
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I'm all for healthy eating. However, Thanksgiving Day is one-week from today. If you are ever going to pencil in a cheat day, next Thursday would be a good time for that. As Mark Rippetoe said onetime while answering an e-mail from someone who was fretting over calories and macros at his family's Thanksgiving dinner: "you're a pain in the ass and your family hates you." Don't be that guy.1 point
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Three-year-old children can be impulsive and short-sighted. Left to their own devices they would eat cookies for dinner, stay up too late, and never brush their teeth. That's why parents have to be the adults in the relationship and set certain rules. Rules that are not up for debate. No sensible adult is going to argue with a child. If the child throws a tantrum the parent has to be firm. They might simply say "nope." The voice of addiction is much the same as that of a petulant child. Addictions parameters are clear: it wants what it wants and it wants it right now. Which is why the quitter has to be the reasonable adult and be firm with certain rules. Not One Puff Ever is the bedrock principle for a successful quit. There is no point in arguing with or fighting against the voice of addiction. The rules have been set...it is not negotiable. Folks who committed to the quit and never lit up again have a 100% success rate.1 point
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In the middle of January, we have reserved a condo on Marco Island (Fl.) We will be going with our daughter, son-in-law and new (4 month old) granddaughter. Jodi (daughter)generally stays on the Gulf side when they visit...usually Sanabelle Island, but the last few times they have gone, they have stayed in Marco Island, and love it. We ( me and the wife) have always stayed ocean side, around West Palm Beach-Pompano Beach area,so this will be a new experience for us. Marco island got hit pretty hard with hurricane Isabel, and the place Jodi usually rents is still damaged, so it's not available. I could care less about the condo...I'm sure they are all nice,... I'm there for the sun and sand! ... Unfortunately a week is not very long and I will have to return to the cold and snow of northern Ohio MUCH too soon. anyhow...to keep it relevant to the forum.. ( ) ... I love spending all the money I do on little vacations instead of cigarettes and Dr. bills...1 point
And Pinky... thanks for the "Doreen's" tip... I will definitely try it out... and yes, I did mean "Irma".... not sure why Isabel came out of the keyboard. I assume you are from that area... glad to hear that it's mostly cleaned up and no real issues to deal with.1 point
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Sarge lost 36 pounds in the first six months after his quit, later down 64. Now he bounces up and down 25 pounds depending on season (training or off season) but still down huge from pre-quit. He attributes it mostly to the Marathon Training Plan he started the week he quit, and the subsequent 6 years of logging anwhere between 0 (off season) and 70 miles (peak - 3 weeks before race) of running a week. Besides the cardio-vascular benefits, and weight loss, running is a great quit tool. It's a 100% effective Crave Squasher. Want a smoke? Hop on a treadmill for 20 minutes at your 5k race pace. You'll be sucking wind so hard you don't want a smoke for at least the next 4 hours. Repeat as necessary. Maybe you oughta make some more changes, and get into an exercise groove. It only hurts 'til the pain goes away ... EZPZ1 point
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Getting reeeaaaaaallllll tired of the "it was easy for me" posts. If anything that alone is very damaging to someone who is new in their quit. I'm only a litte more than a month in and it is still very hard at times for me...... especially at work.1 point
Boo has a winning strategy there, Albert. You can follow that or anything else that works for you but you can bet that whatever method you choose, Boo's method will, perforce, be followed at the same time... Bottom line. We're here if you need support or need to vent but rest assured you've made the very best decision you could have made. Now, KTQ! (Keep that quit)1 point
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Well that's why we should do more than one....for those in different time zones or with conflicting schedules, ect.......1 point
That's good. Falls in line with NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) which is really just a fancy sounding fitness industry term for moving around more. People typically see more results from being active throughout the day than if they just go to the gym and plug away on a treadmill for an hour. The only difference between exercise and activity is the label we put on it.1 point
Let's just be honest and lay it all on the table: The most exercise I'm going to be getting is hauling laundry up and down the stairs and chasing my 3 year old... I mean he does go pretty fast sometimes and he's heavy to carry around. So, there's that. Oh! I started doing a small bit of yoga in the mornings.1 point
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