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Welcome aboard Albert. Keep in mind that the list of "instructions" is short and there are only two rules. Rule #1: Don't put cigarettes in your mouth and set them on fire. Rule #2: If you have any further questions, refer back to Rule #1. Don't smoke. Repeat daily. You're good to go5 points
I cried almost non stop during my first month quit. After a few weeks I was posting about how sad I was and that all I wanted to be was non smoker. A man by the name of John posted in response "make no mistake about it, you are a non-smoker". Those words changed everything for me. I was making it so much more complicated than it had to be. All I had to do is not smoke and boom! I was a non smoker. You're doing a fantastic job. The first few weeks are the worst and you made it through! Keep moving forward and congratulations! You're a non-smoker!4 points
What an odd post. Perhaps you need to peruse the over 3 years of data collected on the site before you think there is not much mention of how people make it through cravings. In fact, start with the S.O.S. board and then work your way down through following two forums. Pledging NOPE is not anything like telling a three year it's time to go to bed. What an odd analogy. Odd post altogether; not quite sure what to make of this but please consider that this may not be the best place for you. I know I will be considering this on your behalf.3 points
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It was some long forgotten spat at The Other Place when The MQ proclaimed (paraphrased, of course) : "Oh yeah?!? Well when you have *A Six Year Quit* then maybe we can talk. Until then, bugger the hell off..." Sarge is traveling on Friday and won't have a chance to post on the actual six-year but he's here to say, with gusto: "Neener-neener ... Sarge got his Six ... Howdaya like dem apples ?" EZPZ (But he can't remember, for the life of him, what the quibbling was about at the time).2 points
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Obviously you have not been around too long or read many or the previous posts where help was indeed asked for, and advice given. By your own admittance , you don't need any help nor have inquired on how to handle cravings, but many others have...including me , early in my quit, and excellent advice was (and is) givin. The daily N.O.P.E. pledge is a commitment each person makes to themself . When advise is asked for it is willingly given by many of us. If they feel like they want to find answers for themselves, the search function will turn up a multitude of posts dealing with their questions. Every aspect of quit smoking is discussed anytime someone asks.... There is a whole section of sticky posts at the top of a couple of the forums dealing with many of the questions new quitters are faced with, and in addition, many videos are also available to help educate anyone looking for more answers. I feel you painted us with a pretty broad stroke ...just because you didn't ask or receive the advice you mentioned, does not mean it isn't available for someone who is truely struggling.2 points
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Something to remember when you feel like giving up. 2 or ten or 30 days in.....there are thousands of smokers who wish they had a Two day quit. Shut- just two weeks ago YOU wished you had a Two day quit. It's hard work and don't give up just to start again in a few years....cause most go a few more years before quitting again. So one smoke....years more and wasted effort. You are well on your way to a life you will love2 points
Hello! I've been smoking for about 4 years now. I have stopped smoking twice (I can't think of it as "quitting", because that word implies agency), each time for around two months, almost spontaneously, without even thinking about it, planning anything, or having to try at all. Looking back, I realized that what the two episodes had in common was that both those times, good things that I cared about very much and could potentially change my life forever were likely to happen (though they didn't!). So the best explanation I have is that "hope" is what made me stop smoking; had those things happened, I would have liked to experience them for as long as possible. So instead of following one-size-fits-all instructions (which have not helped me the 8 times I have tried to quit), I've decided I'm going to try and put myself in situations where good things with long lasting positive effects might happen to me, as often as I can, since that seems to actually help me.1 point
Maybe we should have NOPE meetings once a day (or more) in the chatbox.???? The chat box is a great feature, but is so random when people are in there. I feel it would be great to set up a time or times of day where people can meet up and chit chat. I feel it would be very beneficial for quitters new and old alike.1 point
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Well that's why we should do more than one....for those in different time zones or with conflicting schedules, ect.......1 point
Hi and welcome Albert.. Congrats on your quit,you have only been smoking for a short time...I wish I had kicked this addiction that's soon... It took me over 5 decades... You can do it...if I did..you can ...1 point
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My hubby wanted to name our son this and I instantly thought of Children of the Corn..... I was like Oh Hell No!!!!!!1 point
Pinky, first of all - have not heard from you in a couple days. Yep, it is me, tired of it. About your fat friend you mentioned - Yeah, when we are in the throws of our nervous system shorting out like an electrical storm, the last thing we need is someone to be smart ass. Especially someone self-righteous like that. She doesn't understand what a REAL "quit" is. Someone who tried tobacco or drugs ONE time and doesn't go back has not "quit". One cannot "quit" until the ball of addiction is rolling. Funny how some smart ass always has something to say about a smoker's habit. But like for you, me, and probably everyone on this board, we know what a "quit" is, how hard it can be. Think of it like this about smoking and tobacco - the cigarettes did this to you. What might help is if you can direct that anger to be pissed off at the cigarettes. it sounds silly but that worked for me. The cancer sticks messed up our nerves. F*** those things. Going back to it would be like going back to some abusive ex lover. I am not exactly sure where you are in your quit program (I do remember your method though) but just try not to have any temptations around the house. I mean like no emergency smokes, get rid of (or at the very least hide) any smoking stuff so the routine is broken. Right now I am at day 40 and in my short quit time, the desire does become less. You also start to think about how much any smoking got in the way of other stuff. Then you also notice you have a little more money that was not there before. We do have to pay some dues in the way of withdraws though. AND, weird temptations come out of nowhere. Since it is on our minds a lot at first, any reference to smoking becomes louder somehow. It is the cigs wanting back into our lungs. And then you say to the crave... Well, pick your favorite and rudest most explicit way to say, "go away". I often "romance" smoking and want one but then I remember all the bad things. And, I got tired of it. I will not pretend to know your lifestyle aside knowing you have a couple little ones. What works for me when life feels empty - I try to find some new hobby. I get burnt out on them fast but even if that is your case as well, it could maybe take your mind off the cancer sticks during the worst of the withdraw days. When life gets boring is when negative or painful thoughts slip in. So drop me a line. Don't be a stranger, I enjoy our chats. I wasn't wanting to be a pest which is why I was quiet but know that my line is open to you anytime.1 point
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Copied but works here Something to remember when you feel like giving up. 2 or ten or 30 days in.....there are thousands of smokers who wish they had a Two day quit. Shit- just two months ago YOU wished you had a Two day quit. It's hard work and don't give up just to start again in a few years....cause most go a few more years before quitting again. So one smoke....years more and wasted effort. You are well on your way to a life you will love1 point
The things we pay dearly for we prize highly. My quit is priceless and so is yours!1 point
All of what you're saying above, JB, boils down to one thing: ADDICTION People's judgement and intelligence get trumped by the powerful force of being drawn to a substance even though the conscious mind knows that substance is bad for them in every conceivable way. It's no different from any other drug addiction or alcoholism. I am so grateful to be free from this deadly addiction.1 point
Hi Jet and welcome to the Quit Train. Hope the ease with your quit continues. It sounds like you have a good sense of humor. That will serve you well in this quitting process. When you think about it, it's the whole process of smoking is kinda ridiculous especially now that it's prohibited just about everywhere and people have to huddle outside buildings (often a certain number of feet away) to get their fix. Not sure what kind of climate you live in, Jet but the cold just recently blew in here in NYC. I'll be glad to be warm inside this winter- hope you will enjoy your freedom too! Best, PeaceTrain1 point
Welcome Jetblack. The only rule you need to worry about at this point is not to be suckered into believing you can have "just one". Congrats on your month + quit.1 point
Welcome Jet, Sometimes quitting things is easy sometimes not. Glad it doesn't seem to be a struggle for you. Nice to meet you.1 point
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Nightmare on Elm Street, happened to live on Elm St at the time. Children of the Corn, around the time I realized that my grandfather's name was Malachi.. .0 points
I snuck downstairs during my sister's sleepover...... they were watching Hell Raiser..... couldn't have been more than 7....... I was afraid to sleep on my mattess for a month.....0 points
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