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TGIF fellow quitters!! NOPE! Having too much fun playing Frizbee to smoke!!4 points
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I was a 4 decade smoker. Thought I was beyond hope. I was wrong. You simply need to realize there are no longer any excuses that validate lighting another cigarette. Just remember: If it's important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse. You can do it Tyme!3 points
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This positivity makes me feel positive too. “I WILL be a non smoker”. Man, that would feel SO good! Oh yes I will Sarge! ? And you’re going to be proud of me & eat your words lol! ? I CAN! I want this. It’s not going to be a walk in the park but at least I won’t freeze my butt off this winter. I CAN DO THIS. I CAN! Several of you have been 4 decade smokers too...that gives me hope. I do know I will need support from all of you wonderful people who have successful. ?2 points
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The CFL was ahead of its time. The NFL chose to make offense the priority by practically making it illegal to cover a receiver downfield. The CFL lets a receiver line up 15 yards behind the line of scrimmage and get a running start. If you're gonna build a league around winging the ball all over the field and scoring a bunch of points, really commit to it. Giddy up!2 points
You *can* but you *won't* Sarge can't put it any simpler than that. EZPZ2 points
Teetotaler Meaning Some people don't drink whiskey or other hard liquors but enjoy wine or the occasional beer. Others stick to the hard stuff, and others only like beer. None of these people are teetotalers. A teetotaler is someone who refuses to imbibe any and all alcohol containing liquids. Where did this curious word come from and how did it come to be applied to those who totally abstained from drinking? Although "to teetotal" (t total, t-total) simply means "to never drink," it meant something more specific when it first came to be used. At the beginning of the temperance movement, most temperance societies didn't see anything wrong with wine, beer, or cider. In fact, they embraced them. It was distilled spirituous liquors which were seen as the real evil. The idea of temperance, then, was to abstain from hard liquors. This was seen as a moderate response to the problems of alcohol. "T" After Your Name Turner spoke of "signing the pledge." Stories are also told that Temperance Societies would have people sign moderation pledges or total pledges. Those taking the total pledge would place a "T" after their name, so that they became known as T-totalers, and later, teetotalers. The Story of Richard "Dicky" Turner One of the most well-known origin stories is lent authority by an epitaph. Written on a tombstone near Preston, in Lancashire, England, is "Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Richard Turner, author of the word 'teetotal' as applied to abstinence from all intoxicating liquors, who departed this life on the 27th day of October 1846, aged 56 years." That is one heck of a strange and long epitaph and the fact that someone would go through the trouble of engraving it on a tombstone may seem to be very good evidence that Turner really did invent the word, but keep in mind that just because the person responsible for the epitaph really believed it, doesn't mean that he or she had unassailable evidence for it. Why Was the Word Teetotal So Important To Temperance? It may help to understand why the word teetotal was so important to the temperance movement, then. Temperance did not start out as a movement toward total abstinence. Instead, it was about "entire abstinence from ardent spirits." In other words, temperance began as a movement calling for abstinence from hard liquors like whiskey, rum, gin, etc. Wine, beer, and cider were often accepted and even recommended as a good substitute for hard spirits. There are even stories about wine being served at early temperance meetings! It seems that there was doubt, in some people's mind, that wine, beer, and cider contained alcohol as did spirits. Opinions changed, and one reason for this was that it became known that non-spirituous liquors did indeed contain alcohol, only at a lesser volume. You could get drunk on any of it, and so you have to abstain from all of it. It is usually claimed that the move toward total abstinence began in England and then move to America. The pledge for temperance, before this time, was for abstaining from spirits. This became known as the "old pledge" or the "moderation pledge." Abstaining from any and all alcoholic beverages became known as the "total pledge." It is not really known exactly when, why, and where this movement first began, but most early histories do indeed seem to place the first "teetotal society" in Preston, in 1832. The Preston society did begin using a total abstinence pledge in 1832 and it did become known as the teetotal pledge. This is just some of the fascinating reads about it I found on this website. http://www.culinarylore.com/drinks:origin-of-the-word-teetotaler2 points
I never heard of it either but if you like it, go for it. On Seinfeld, if you remember, all it took was one person to start the trend of eating a Snicker's bar with a knife and fork.2 points
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Errrr Boo...so you thought you would get away with this ???? No chance...bad boy...bad sportsmanship .....oh ya and loser ......2 points
I have never been able to really get into NFL other than playoff games. I don't like the Superbowl just because it's way over-hyped and commercialized. Usually watch some of it but find the playoff games are usually more entertaining. I will be watching the CFL (Canadian Football League) playoffs that start next week. I know nobody cares about those but the final game - Grey Cup - is usually rock 'em, sock 'em and down to the last few seconds. Usually very entertaining TV when the weather outside is uninviting and the logs are on the open hearth fire!2 points
I read somewhere people who choose to go teetotal, some sign a T after their name/signature....or use to....something along those lines...does anyone know if this is true??? I kind of like the idea, I don't know why. Since quitting smoking I also quit drinking as you all know. I also live in a state where marijuana is legal and would partake time to time, but have found I also no longer enjoy this either. I know its a British term... But even so I like the term... Would it be silly me being an American to use it and to tell people I am teetotal????1 point
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Oh - sorry lol. Great job Guys!! I had to slip out there for a bit. Glad we got one back 31 point
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Quit trying to distract him. He's required over in the counting game thread1 point
Well this weekend ,I thought we could go on a romantic picnic... I'll bring the lettuce and beetroot...you bring the eggs and sweet potatoes..... I can have wine..so ...mmmmm....I tell you what... Let's ditch the food...1 point
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I'm surprised any U.S. provider would bother carrying CFL games. It's not even all that popular in Canada anymore. Used to be huge but now; not so much. The only exception to that is Saskatchewan Rough Riders. It's a religion in Saskatchewan!! They are fanatics big time and fill their stadium every game. Mind you, if you ever went to Saskatchewan, you'd understand why. Diddly-squat else to see or do there! The CFL basically gets all the players that NFL teams cut from their rosters plus a few home grown ones for Canadian content. Their play tends to be a little more daring because their talent level is often questionable plus, with 3 downs instead of 4, there's A LOT more passing which tends to make things interesting. Bigger field too. Hoping there will be some good battles during the playoffs which start next weekend.1 point
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Tyme..I smoked for over 5 decades..so yes I can relate to how your feeling... I didn't have time to prepare..I was told by my doctor Now...or face the consequences...which in my case was amputation.. I have been known to say whatever road you take to quit..just get there..just don't leave it too late...like I did... There is no better time than today...we will support you ,which ever route you take... Some of us take the back road ...some of us take the fast track...xx1 point
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My husband & I discussed my Quit Smoking Date last night! I have his full support...of course. I have decided to make my Quit Date Nov 15th, the day after my mother’s Cancer Surgery. This will give me time to prepare myself psychologically, handle stress in a new way, reduce smoking & give me the opportunity to not fail. In the meantime I will be reading, reading, reading on this site. Quitting impulsively has never worked for me. Although I would like nothing better than to “just quit” today, realistically I need preparation. I need to learn & practice new ways of handling stress. Last night I watched TV & it worked pretty well... I will also be seeing my Doctor about my anxiety. Preparation...I need to do this right. I will stay in touch as I prepare for my transition to being a non smoker.1 point
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I love nfl football but the Ravens haven't been doing very well then last Thursday night, Joe Flacco suffered a terrible hit and was taken out with a concussion and an ear that was split open but they Ravens won in a shutout. I started a football thread but it didn't really take off and honestly there're so many Patriot fans... What can I say? Ugh. That about sums it up.1 point
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Writting english makes my brain hurt so ill just say this: yes, you CAN quit smoking, anyone can. Hell, there was a time i thought i was doomed to smoke forever. Then i quit, i was climbing walls for 5 months straight but i did it. You gain resistance in every single day you stay off the smokes, plus excitement to last just one more day. You have all the information here, thats 90% of what you need, the other 10% is in the nope pledge section. Sleep well, wake up, turn on your computer and put that nope pledge online. Then endure it like everyone else did. At the end of the night you might want to revisit the nope pledge and leave your thoughts, we´ll be there for you, plus a nice picture of a lolcat from me, everyday, because im a nice guy. Grind through that motherfucker nicotine monster one day at a time and rid yourself of this horrible addiction that will no doubt kill you if you let it. You got this!1 point
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Lots of genuine people here that would like nothing better than help you newbie quitters along whether it's your 1st time or 10th time. We know the struggle and, we know the rewards of doing all the hard work and staying with it!1 point
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