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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/17 in all areas

  1. I attended my first community support class last night. We introduced ourselves and told why we wanted to quit smoking and why we are taking the class. It was interesting hearing everyone's story. I was concerned for a few people who stated how much they enjoy smoking. I think this will be really hard for them unless they start looking at it differently. I too enjoyed smoking but I know there is nothing enjoyable about what smoking does to you. Keeping those things in mind, I don't enjoy smoking anymore. Another thing I noted was that out of nine people I was the only one going cold turkey. The rest are all using gum, patches, Chantix, etc. The instructor said that cold turkey was the least successful method of quitting. I only know that I do not want to use those products. For me, I think they would only prolong the withdrawal from nicotine and cause me other issues along the way. I have to do what's right for me and stay committed. I believe its all in the right attitude and doing everything you can to stay on the right path. Oh, and 3rd day is going okay. My homework for today is to list my triggers and different ways of handling them.
    1 point
  2. You are doing fantastic B57 !! :) Day 3 cold turkey, the nicotine is almost completely washed from your system so you will then only have to focus on the mental aspects of quitting. I choose cold turkey for that same reason. Get it all done at once! It's not for everyone but it was right for me. I'm shocked the session leader told you CT was the least successful method of quitting. From virtually everything I have read, the opposite is true. Cold Turkey quitters have a much higher long term success rate. In the end, it doesn't matter though. What ever method you think is right for you is the right one - as long as you never smoke again, that's the only important thing. Please think about posting some of this stuff on the main board in coming days. Maybe in the quit smoking discussion page. Just start a thread and yammer away about what you are doing and how you're feeling. You'll get lots of other members here responding in support and we quitters love to hear about other peoples quitting experiences. You sound like you've really got a well thought out and workable plan. Stay strong and execute your plan and you'll do just fine :)
    1 point
  3. Jump on board, we're all headed to freedom! Maybe go on the main board too and post up in the Introductions thread. I know everyone here would love to meet you and more people will see your post there too :) Yes, sounds like you will have some challenges, given your boyfriend's situation but at least you are thinking about those ahead of time. That's great! Be sure to let us know when you do quit. You mention June 11th. Let us know if you are on track for that date. Feel free to post up before you quit too in case you have questions or comments. Read as much stuff on the site as you can as that will also help you :)
    1 point
  4. Congratulations on your decision, you've got this.
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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