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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/17 in all areas

  1. Well it seems like I have been waiting for ever and finally the training has begun to become a Eucharistic Minister. What an exciting Sat. afternoon. I get to St. Agnes and realize WOW the parking lot is full. I sign in and grab a seat the priests and people in attendance were so interesting and inspiring. Next training will be for the homebound and nursing homes. This will mean so much as then when I visit with Granny and they need extra EM I will be able to provide this. I was kinda disappointed with my sisters response but I was going to let them dampen my mood. It is hard to believe we are all raised the same way all went to Church only to discover as adults how anti religious they are. I at least let them know they should be excited because it is important to me. My older sister did say she was happy as she knows the people I will be ministering to want Christ brought to them. My little sister not so much but oh well her loss. My friends have all told me they will proudly come to Church when I get commissioned in.
    1 point
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