Father's Day BBQ was amazing! Once people started arriving I forgot all about smoking, which kinda reinforces that being alone triggers some of my craves. And especially once my sons arrived, I was ALL about them. I didn't care what anyone else was talking about, I was spending time with my boys. And my younger son, Alex, is a cuddle bug. My older son, Devin, isn't even too fond of kisses anymore. Soon he'll be too old for hugs! OMG! Anyway, we had Family Feud on, and since some answers involve sex or drugs from time to time, I decided something a little more kid-friendly would be better. So I put on Aaron Stone for them. It's an older show from Disney XD and you can only buy it from iTunes. It's not on Netflix or DVD, which I think is stupid. I'd been buying individual episodes for a bit now, so I had five for them to watch, and they were all too happy to watch it. Alex cuddled with me the entire time. After the third episode we went out to play croquet. After a few rounds, they had to leave so I said my goodbyes and walked them out to the car.
Afterward, my sister showed up and as she ate we shared a beer and the lot of us who were left watched car shows on TV. Stuff like Overhaulin' and Bitchin' Rides. My dad and my uncle (his youngest brother) talked about cars dad used to own and how they overhauled one on one of the episodes. Then they talked with my cousin Jimmy about how he's doing flipping house boats. I think it'd be cool to live on a house boat, but I'm sure I'd get tired of it pretty quickly.
All-in-all it was a good day. My brother didn't show up until way later, but I think he had to work or something. But it's always great to see my brother.
As usual, as the day got later I got the thought of "Shouldn't you be smoking by now?" This is the only point I disagree on with Allen Carr. I do believe we get into a habit with smoking, and some people have harder times breaking habits than others. He mentions how he can go from driving on the left side of the road to the right, but if it were me, I would have a lot of trouble breaking that habit. It takes me a lot to break old habits. Not that I'm not trying. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have made it through the day, but I don't think we'd have triggers if we didn't have habits to break. And we wouldn't autopilot into something. (One time I was outside smoking and didn't remember leaving the couch.) Thankfully I haven't autopiloted into smoking this time around, but I think that's because I'm being very conscientious about my smoking habit. I also try not to let myself get too tired, because that's when it's the worst. Naps are a wonderful thing.
I also got my intake taken care of for the Department of Rehabilitation, and I'm hoping to get a state job. I actually want an office position. The only thing I need is a letter for my doctor saying that I can go back to work.