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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/15 in all areas

  1. Decided to log everything, I'm writing a food diary, a gym diary, a smoking diary......rather productive actually, only takes 5 mins a day but I'm learning a lot through it. I have become obsessed by the gym, doing weights for the first time in my life, seriously, in two weeks (I'm going every day) cannot believe the change in my body, I have back problems so i have a mobility programme, I feel quite strong. Normally I would do a 30 mile bike ride, or train for half marathon without spending anytime in the gym, hence I then suffer with muscle strain of some sort....now I'm getting stronger I feel confident in entering some events next year. I went to the neighbours tonight, they are Italian, we cooked, we ate, we drank, we had fun..without smoking! I did think about it and my husband kept disappearing, but I didn't have to interrupt the evening with me popping out constantly. Staying focused..swimming tomorrow, with more lung capacity than usual. Being honest, still wanna fag! :-(
    1 point
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