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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/15 in all areas

  1. A short blog, a few words, I just want to pen a quick thought. The past week I have hit a low spot in my quit. I'm not really sure what has triggered it, have I lowered my guard? I don't know. I have just past my 4 month quit mark and all of a sudden i'm getting waves of urges to smoke. The one thing that has kept my resilience, stubbornness and downright refusal to give in, is the fact that I have read about how people have faced the same struggle; even after months into a quit, just like me. It's important to know that it's not easy, you will get surprised by cravings when you least expect it and you can feel downhearted by the fact they are still there when you think you have done so well. But the important things is this, It's not just me, reading stories from this forum, you can see people who have rode the wave and keep getting stronger. The point of my short ramble is you need to enter a quit with your eyes wide open, and places like Quit Train give you that power. I'm pretty sure if I had been doing my quit without the support and knowledge of this forum, I would have possibly caved in with an excuse of 'What's the point'. I haven't smoked, I didn't buckle and stood strong; I know I will never smoke again - that feels amazing.
    2 points
  2. Glad to read this. There is a very real psychological thing --- a specific kind of mental fatigue that goes with forming a new habit. (I read about it.) I wrote blog entry on experiencing similar problems this summer. Best to treat ourselves kindly. We've got this. We aren't going to cave. Treat yourself to something, larks. I bought myself new earrings I could ill afford because they make me happy. I am also making it a point to try to really connect with everyone I meet in the course of my day. Thanks for your post!!! Connect, connect and engender warm fuzzies. Oh, I also think I will listen to more music. =)
    1 point
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