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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/14 in all areas

  1. July 24, 2014 I put down that last nasty, awful cig and said to myself "No more!". I have been taking Chantix, and it is working. I had not planned to quit that day, but could not stand smoking for another day! Now here it is July 25th, and I'm smoke-free!I cannot possibly do this again so I just know this is going to be my final quit. I'm glad to have found this Quit Train forum :) Oh, and my coffee really tastes like coffee today :)
    6 points
  2. We love coffee around here, you fit right in ;-)
    1 point
  3. Nothing tastes better then freedom and coffee my friend :) Go Sandy!! I think it's like that when it's time. You sound like you're just done and that's amazingly good and how it should feel in my humble opinion. It's time! we will walk with you!
    1 point
  4. Imagine this. There is a life out there where you just live and craves are a thought that makes you smile and think, why would I?? Money is strangely more abundant, yet nothing has changed. Boredom means you find something of interest to do, you have more time to fill and it makes you happy. You start to clean something, and you do it and move on - no need for breaks. Who needs breaks when you have this much more energy right? You run a few feet, and it's all good, you might even do that shizzle for fun because you can. Someone questions your self worth and you smile and dismiss them - you know how strong you are and your inner depth is apparent to all who have spoken to you on the quit train. There's some smokers around you, what you feel is pity!! And if you are "good people" (hint, I know you are), you hint and guide them to places to help and respect their choices. And shhhhh - I didn't think I could quit.... and hey, guess what I did!!! Fear is normal, I say again, it's ok to be afraid. That fear makes you hold the f on!! ((Amy)), we have your back, we always had your back and you just need to let go and trust us. No hiding etc. xx
    1 point
  5. My quit makes me proud. I do believe anyone can quit and that every quit will be different. I believe if you educate yourself enough about the harm smoking causes you will find it tougher to do that to yourself again. I believe that smoking and craving 20, 30, 60 times a day is honestly harder than saying no more, not today and getting past the points where it feels hard. For all the tough days whilst quitting and finding my new personality post being a smoker, what sticks with me is I did it and it fills me with hope for what I can achieve now! My new personality is less tolerant and actually, I am now genuinely happy about that. I have ditched toxic people because my self worth and self value is higher. I have stopped being as afraid of people seeing the parts of me that before I would rather hide. I stand at 4 months plus quit saying, this is what I am and I'm ok if it's not for you. I read all the stories, the mine was easy, I just said nope...damn, mine was occasionally tough as old boots. One day I spent 3 hours of my life staring at a packet of cigs and crying whilst posting what was probably utter tripe! The surprise for me if I'm honest was how many days felt like a wonderful free fall to a smoke free life between that!! It's like if I had a tough day, one or two easy and beautiful days would follow, that kept me sane :) I see people doing the first and second week and think - I am so pleased I held on through that. It was really damn hard and it felt like it took all I had, all of my being to simply not smoke. I see people hitting one month and think oh, no mans land - I am so pleased I held on through that. It was a different kind of mental draining, not physical anymore, nowhere near as tough. But when the flashes of craves came, they were such a surprise it took me by storm. I considered falling off a couple of times! Held on because I could, sheer bloody minded ness :) I saw all the 3's that people said about. 3 is also my favourite number, I didn't really believe 3 could do me in but it did give me a couple of knocks. I passed through it with sheer bloody mindedness that time too. I think I favour 7 now :) I just responded to an SOS that made ME think. My SOS, that gut wrenching why would this happen to me was utterly uncalled for!! It was very awful (insert own swear words). I am so incredibly thankful i got talked down. Know what I thought today - I didn't paint my toenails and I'm wearing flip flops - I do wash and keep myself nice, I wonder if people are judging me and I genuinely laughed. The other thing I thought after answering an sos is I'm so pleased I don't have to find time to smoke now, my house is so much cleaner. I don't smoke, I can think of all manner of random stuff now!! Have I mentioned I'm proud but more than that, I'm at peace and a non smoker, the feeling is priceless :)
    1 point
  6. Boom and by the gods, got another one sucked in!! My Giles quits tomorrow with a brilliant mindset of - Mart, if you've got it, then so can I! I LOVE this inspiring stuff!! Even if this doesn't take, he is thinking, and seeing it's do-able and I am somehow managing to enable that, simply by quitting!! And his twin brother is part of my soul group, so if I can suck Giles in, maybe I can suck my Elliott into quitting. By the way some people think soul mates are the bird/bloke they happen to marry or be with etc. I don't buy that although good for you/each to their own etc. I think we pick a group of people that we will re-incarnate with and they will bring something to our life, or us to them. Yes the fella I'm currently with is in my gang but we were powerful to each other as friends too. Numbers wise I think this is in the 5 - 10 ish people realm, in case you wonder what I'm rambling about :) Spiritual ya know :) So I am so pleased I hung tough for all those days I wondered if I was being dim trying to quit. All the times I quit and failed and quit and failed :( Made me sad but each quit/failure taught me something and brought me to this place I am today where I will not smoke, would be the dumbest thing I had done for a long time - pretty much since I last started smoking. I quit though and NOW, here and now, I am a non smoker and I accept that. For months I have been a quitting smoker, or a reformed smoker (lol, real bad) or someone who wasn't smoking....now I just don't smoke. It's like someone gave me the last hidden puzzle pieces but I couldn't tell you which bits were missing, it was a time thing I guess. I typed a line on the voldemort site that hit me like a freight train, it was this: ""I answered questions honestly, like sometimes I would love a cig, but mostly I am just really relieved all those craves are over - no not the withdrawal...the all day every day craves of being a smoker...that was exhausting! "". That is how I feel. It makes me so happy I can use this to help others though, that is who I am :) This emotional outburst is sponsered by white wine :) But still true lol and I am so happy I quit and that others will quit by my example well beyond my two man expectations. 5th quit I've inspired?! Man, I must of looked like some real commited smoker before I became a happy non smoker :)
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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