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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/14 in all areas

  1. So last night was really fun! It was great to see my girlfriends. The group of us have been friends since high school. Some of them have older children and a couple of us were late bloomers and have young kids. We all used to smoke. Bunch of little rebels, or so we thought. Anyway, I did end up going to the smoking section outside with them and it was fine. I was OK. I thought about posting If I needed to as I had my phone on me. You guys were there with me and you didn't even know it! :D Also, I am the only one who doesn't drink anymore and so I was the designated driver and it was a blast! I didn't get home till 1:30 am and got to bed at about 3. My usual bedtime is between 9-10 at night. LOL! I was really tired today (I had taken the day off of work) so I didn't do much of anything. I noticed, however, that I was extra cranky today and had little patience. I hate feeling like that! My son was driving me nuts! I kept thinking about how less irritable I am when I am smoking. Really, I am. However, then I thought about what I've learned about, I wouldn't be feeling like this if I didn't smoke in the first place. It isn't the quitting that is causing it, it is the smoking that is causing it. Helped me place blame where blame is due. Then I went outside. Absolutely lovely weather. I also thought about how I really don't go outside and just sit and relax like I did when I was smoking. I did that and got fresh air and read on the board. I really need to do that more often. Just go outside and sit and relax. A thunderstorm rolled in and that was refreshing! I am grateful right now for my smobriety and all that I have learned so far and for all of the people sharing their stories and such. I thought my head was going to pop off earlier and now I feel so much better and I didn't smoke. How cool is that?! :)
    6 points
  2. Ok, so it took an admission through A&E and two ambulance calls, a cist on the kidney and a damaged and over beating heart whilst literally filling up with fluid at 66 years old.... (and breath) ....but she quit. She will never read this cause "forums aren't her thing, all those do gooders patting each other on the back" apparently?! But still a one week, bootstrap quit. Just cracked on, some whinging but too scared to smoke anymore. I am still worried but sooo relieved she is at least giving herself a chance to recover a bit here!! If she can do it, really any one can do it. On a selfish note, so much nicer not constantly being around smoking. I get it doesn't bother some, it drove me mad!
    5 points
  3. 1 point
  4. Sounds like we have a winner :)
    1 point
  5. Great to read this Holski. It does take some time to handle your emotions differently; I do remember being totally hysterical from time to time ;-) But it does feel good once you get over that stage and YOU KNOW IT!!! Read this again http://ffn.yuku.com/forums/76/Emotions#.U6112EBl54c Good stuff about all that.
    1 point
  6. Yesss! You know what they say, no one ever regretted quitting. I love this post. Hope and happiness and strength.
    1 point
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