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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/14 in all areas

  1. Woke up this morning feeling different cannot explain it just different - relaxed almost bonnies thread about her 13 cigarettes made me think about my 3 I have been hanging onto I kept them to keep up my fight as I had something physical to fight I have realised the fight is in my head I drowned them today and binned them - no emotion to it at all No longer feel scared or need to fight - I think thats why I feel relaxed it`s like an end of a battle It feels weird but in a good way :)
    1 point
  2. So these blogs are extremely boring, meant only to keep me on the straight and narrow for my diet. Sundays are the toughest days for me, b/c not at work but gotta stay on the path. So far so good. For my cheat day Saturday I had a tonnnnn of cookies. It was great.
    1 point
  3. Great job! Tons of ppl at my hb's job smoke and they made comments to him for the longest time to the effect of he was going to start again anyway so may as well be now. Cigs are EXPENSIVE, the only reason smokers want to give them away is so they don't feel so bad about themselves.
    1 point
  4. he felt bad as he hasn`t done what you have done - I bet when he walked away he admired you and if he did not - then he is a total tool! good for you for being strong jackie - very proud of you x
    1 point
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