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82 days



19 days quit. I'm finding myself thinking about how to get rid of the negative feelings ie anger/uncomfortableness. I don't want to smoke but there is a part my psyche that misses it. Been using the lozenges and am wondering if that is making things worse but worried that if I stop, I'll go back to smoking. I don't miss smoking but do miss the comfort of normalcy.


My mouth hurts and this is making me angry. 


But I also know that if I keep going, then one day, these feelings will be nothing but a memory.  


If I don't keep going, then one day, I will have to figure out what I want to suck on. My cigarette or my oxygen. Or I could blow up my face with both.

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Congrats on 19 days quit madturtle, you're doing great! The things you're experiencing are all normal and will go away soon enough so just keep telling yourself that. Also sweets help as well as doing something you enjoy doing that you've always done smokeless. I didn't smoke in my car so if a bad craving came I would jump in the car and take a drive and almost instantly forgot about smoking 😊

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Congratulations on 19 days quit.  As Jillar said, these things to sound normal and a lot of us have gone through them.


You are right...with time, these feelings will be a distant memory.  Continue to fight through cravings, brain fog, etc. and things do slowly get better.


You are so much better off without cigarettes.  The early struggles are definitely worth the long time reward of a smoke free life.

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oh course your psyche misses smoking.

you are a nicotine addict.

it takes time to adjust

but, adjust you will and love Freedom.


Oxygen is the new drug of choice and it is splendid !



30 days without a cigarette. 


1 whole month. 


Feel odd pangs at times of *not wanting* a cigarette but looking for them like a thing I used to do. Really weird. LIke a need I need to fulfill.


Catch myself at times reminiscing and I remind myself that I don't want to go back there. The 3 D's: Distract, Delay and Drink water. 


One day at a time. 





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Congratulations on one month quit madturtle, that's great! 

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 Congratulations madturtle,  one month nicotine free is awesome.   Now that your feet  are soundly planted on the ground, the rest of this journey will be so much easier!  Just keep your mind on the prize - a life free of smoking.   

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Congratulations madturtle, that is a big accomplishment. You need to make sure you reward yourself.

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Posted (edited)

thank you. 


Part of me still misses it. I hope that that goes away soon. 


I remind myself that I'm not missing it but just wanting to do an action that I have done for over half my life. That will go away.


I have saved $374.64, I will live 7 days 8 hours and 6 minutes longer (barring any sort of tragedy) and not smoked 960.6 cigarettes. 


Iv'e never done that before. 

Edited by madturtle
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It's normal to think you miss it madturtle, I did for the whole first year! But as the time adds up those feelings will be less and less. Especially when you remind yourself of all the benefits of NOT smoking 😊 

I love those apps like the one you have, I watched mine grow everyday. We have tickers here that will show you the time, money saved and cigs not smoked since you quit just like your app does so if you'd like one for your signature there's a tab at the top of the main page for that 😊

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Forsythia Woods


Wow congratulations you're great, this really help. I used to read quit smoking sydney  too then send it to my brother, he's trying to quit smoking :) Hope my brother quit his smoking too. He want me to help and support him also for his health. He want some testimonial from others who quit smoking, thanks for this. He start quitting it since recommend him to read quit smoking sydney that really helps when he reads the advantages :)

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  On 7/16/2020 at 4:01 AM, madturtle said:

thank you. 


Part of me still misses it. I hope that that goes away soon. 


I remind myself that I'm not missing it but just wanting to do an action that I have done for over half my life. That will go away.


I have saved $374.64, I will live 7 days 8 hours and 6 minutes longer (barring any sort of tragedy) and not smoked 960.6 cigarettes. 


Iv'e never done that before. 




There are body memories that may be triggers.

Soon these won't be big triggers, they will fade and fade

and new experiences will take their place.


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today has been rough. Had a dream this morning of smoking one cigarette and that seems to have offset my day today. I keep thinking of going to the store.


I am reading the sos board and the responses have helped. it would be stupid of me to go thru this again. One smoke is never going to be one smoke. I have done that before and it didn't work then and it won't work now.


besides, the things are nasty. Why do I keep wanting to do this to myself? Its ignorant.



Ugh madturtle, I do remember being where you are. I promise you it gets so much better. I had a hard first few months so I know!

You're right, you do not want to go back to square one and have to go through the misery all over again. I'm glad the SOS threads help. Please post your own if you feel yourself caving to a crave and we'll do everything we can to help you past it. 

You really are doing great 😊


Posted (edited)

Tonight is hard. 


I want to smoke. I am emotional and am fantasizing how a cigarette will do me some good.


I dont feel like there is anything left in me to fight this.


I went back to smoking because I wasnt strong enough before and dont know if I'm strong enough again. 


Giving in is so easy. Question is: why did I quit? I need to remember this.



Edited by madturtle


Oh no madturtle, you will be so disappointed in yourself if you cave to a crave. You got this, you've gotten past way harder before right? Smoking will not change whatever is going on that's making you crave, I promise you that! Hang in there 🤗



I'm almost to 3 months. I still have my moments but all in all, it's getting easier day by day.


I don't really miss them anymore as smokes but do miss the relaxation it brought with it. I still haven't found the replacement therapy for that. 


I'm truly a non smoker now. 🙂


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This is really good to hear. How about a nice relaxing hobby for your replacement therapy. Maybe try reading, puzzles or anything you enjoy that puts a smile on your face. I'm happy for you madturtle.

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I'm really happy for you too madturtle. Weeding has always been relaxing for me. No yard to weed? How about a fish tank. It's surprising how relaxing it is watching fish swim around lol 😊

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3 months and one day and I am wanting to smoke. I have been thinking about it and have had to talk myself out of it a few times these last couple of days. 

Smoking is not an option so trying not to fight these thoughts. The main thought going is how much I enjoy smoking. But reality is I hated it. 


Going on to 4 months for a smoke free life. 



Stick with it. You're doing great. I know it's tough now but it is totally worth it in the long run. Giving in to the addiction is only going to makes things worse and then you have to go through the process all over again. Remember that you are stronger than the nicotine monster and you will prevail.

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Posted (edited)

233 days without smoking. Going strong and enjoying life. I still have thoughts of it but its nothing like at the beginning. Now it stinks and irritates my nose for days. Funny how that works.


In 2 weeks, it will be 8 months. So worth it if you want it. 

Edited by madturtle
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That's fantastic madturtle, I'm really happy for you. Thanks for checking in 😊

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Way to rock that quit, congratulations madturtle.

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emmy awards applause GIF by EmmysCongratulations!!!!! 

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