6 April
I am trying to write at least a bit each day. Several folks have suggested that sharing my quit journey can be useful for others. Not sure I have anything worth sharing.
I am/have not been a person of eternal optimism. I do have passion and temerity when it comes to new things, learning and ways to heal.
I find most people are uncomfortable speaking of or listening to things that are intense, morose and/or painful, that can often be defined by the term trauma.
I have found that I (and many fabulous people I have encountered along the way) have developed an array of skills/tools that have allow us to cope/survive vs. thrive....or both. Wow, life is complex.
Smoking was one of my longest standing skills, serving a situation and life that no longer exists in present tense. Yes, believe it or not sometimes addiction is a tool or skill (not at all romancing here, at least I hope not).... for me, just fact, sad and true.
Good riddance to the tools/skills that do not enhance the best life possible. HELLO gorgeous smoke free life....a much more delicious skill/tool for the life of my most cherished dreams.
Grateful to have outsmarted this addiction
Grateful to be wary and wise to the ways of complacency
Grateful to have the people, resources and lightness QT offers
Grateful to be smoke free
Grateful for my health and the health of those I hold dear
Grateful so many people are willing to provide the services they provide to help, to heal, to comfort, to feed, to sustain in this swarm of covid-19
Grateful to have a brain in my head to think for myself
Grateful to be aware when I behave like sheeple and to use above mentioned brain
Grateful to have a beautiful woodland on waterfront to roam and observe spring doing it's thing
Grateful to have people I love and to be loved in return....in ways that feel deeply loving.
Grateful to have found the correct foot pattern for the waltz and to be practicing it (read dancing) daily
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