30 march
very tired.
feeling thin and quick on the trigger.
wish I could sleep during the day.
do not want to utilize otc sleep stuff.
do not feel like doing anything
woke alarmed in the middle of the night.
had spoken to my mom (celebrating her birthday) yesterday afternoon and she had a dry cough. WORRIED. she says she feels fine and it was a cough due to not speaking too often these days.
managed not to call my mom in the middle of the night with my panic. managed not to wake my marvelous man, either. didn't really get much sound sleep after awakening....stuck in the half dream hazy space. seems to have followed me into the day as I navigate through it... have completed a few food prep and storage chores (rubbed my eyes after chopping serrano chiles, so that woke me up for awhile)
have that feeling in my stomach like I have made a grave error.
good news....these feelings will change.
on the train. is there a sleeping car?
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