Day eh 24!!!
Wow I am almost at the 1 month quit experience! And it is.. eh yeah.. eventful to say the least.
My first week was an awesome high, my second week was a mix of coughs, colds, and mixed feelings..
Then the germany trip, week 3, that has set me back.. the ads and the availability got into my head, the romancing started again.. emotions flared up and I have been trapped inside my head. I couldn't stop crying two days ago.. I almost convinced myself this quiting thing was not something I was strong enough for (-yes *ding ding ding* all the red flags there)
I had to force myself to pledge... but it got easier and I can actually socialize again and tell everyone I am sti here, on the train...
The only by-product now is that I have been so tense that my muscles are hurting like mad.. so I need to go and get a massage... which my autistic brain hates! (Like dentists and hairdressers.. or shopping in general.... )
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