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Made it five days



Renewed my effort to quit following more thoughtful watching of Allen Carr's video and mindfulness moments while I smoked. It is day five. Days one and two dragged, with many strong cravings. Days three through five passed by without too much trouble from cravings until late afternoon and this evening. I resorted to using a 14 mg patch -- I want to see how much of this is psychological for me and how much is physical craving. I'd say it is psychological, far and above physical.


Today cravings were intense and I breathed and just sat mindfully through them. Perhaps four times I told myself that I was going to cave, so just go to the store and get it over with. I reminded myself of how nasty the cigarette would taste after nearly a week of not having one to blunt my taste buds. I reminded myself of the tangible harm I notice that is done -- irreparable, I think, though I am hoping for a little bit of healing. 


Day five is closing, I am going to sleep. I think tomorrow will be better than today because I have the practice of having worked through some strong urges to go and buy cigarettes. It's pouring rain right now (typical Seattle weather), and I like falling asleep to the sound of rain. 


Not ready to join the NOPE pledge yet. I want more time, more days, of being quit first. I have a lot of failures in my past and don't want to let myself down again. I feel hopeful, but I have been hopeful before. For now, I am just grateful to have succeeded for five days.

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Congratulations on completing day 5 Kate, I'm so glad you're back :) There's no shame in using the patch to get you through those tough days so do what works for you. In just two more days you will be past hell week, the hardest week of all. Well done :)

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Posted (edited)

You won't let yourself down unless you choose to let yourself down.

Make the commitment and hold fast to it.


You are dealing with addiction, you need to learn more about addiction, understand addiction.

Please do this for yourself.

This will help you with everything you experience quitting, it puts everything in perspective.


Glad you are back. There are plenty of research materials here as well as our support.  Take advantage and build yourself a sturdy and strong quit.


Since you mention NOPE, you might find this post useful







Edited by Sazerac
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Hang tough Kate.  You can do this.  Everyday without cigarettes gives you more power over your addiction.  Love yourself more than that cigarette.  

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Five is awesome.  NOPE

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Facing those cravings mindfully is going to make you so much stronger. You aren't avoiding them--you are facing them head-on...and you are winning! You are approaching your quit in such a great way. Congratulations on 5 days!

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You are doing great, Kate.  Never take another puff and you will be fine.

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Day EIGHT !  You are doing great, Kate.  Rewards are essential.



How are you doing Kate? Keep this site close!! You can make it too!

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Posted (edited)


Edited by Kate18
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