Day 7! My Thoughts Today
Wow, it is day 7 already - time has went by fast, kinda . . .take a look at this mish mash I made up - in no particular order, just a jumbled mess!
I have some thoughts to share:
First - Everyone is so super helpful here and I am more appreciative than I could ever express. I'd like to mail you all $20 bills & (((hugs))), lol - really.
Second - I am sick and tired of suckers. I am open to suggestions that don't involve candy. My mouth is literally sore and there are sores on the roof of my mouth and my tongue from the suckers/candy. Plus it can't be good for my teeth either. Obviously.
Third - I am still reeling over the fact that I am nicotine-free! I am so proud I must be beaming! Doing this without NRT's has been a very, very wise choice IMO.
Fourth - I still want to smoke But I remain determined NOT TO! NOT ONE MORE PUFF!
Other things worth mentioning today I suppose:
- I wake up a lot during the night, I never used to do that. A train could roll thru my room & I wouldn't budge. But now I am up every couple hours.
- I smell things I never smelled before. My under-eye make-up actually has a scent! I never knew that. So crazy!
- Speaking of the nose, mine runs constantly now. It ran a LOT before, but now it's constant, which is making my throat hurt as well.
- I can't pretend like I am all happy & nice right now, because I am the opposite. I am quite miserable to be around right now. I snap at people for little reason, etc. I am a very huge bitch (excuse my French, but that's the only way I know how to put it!)
- I got a new diamond painting I have been working on, (Jack & Sally) - I will post a pic when I am done. It definitely keeps my mind off smokes!
Sorry for the silly pic ... I am a picture person! I think it is important to take lots of pictures for memories and I am a silly girl lol
Sorry for the rambling as well! I at least tried to keep it orderly. I just wanted to document this nonsense somewhere.
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