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Working & Quitting



Ugh! I quit while I was off work (I work M-Th, 10+ hours per day) so I haven't been at work while I quit yet. Next week we are going back to a 5x8 (M-F) schedule. I will deeply miss my Fridays off! Deeply! 

Working on the assembly line is different from 'other' work. We have time to 'think' a lot, if you will. Our jobs are mindless, boring, repetitive, monotonous, you name it. 

I just hope I don't think about smoking! Last time I was ok, but last time I had the patch. This time I am going solo! 
Then again, I have to wait until each break to walk 80 miles to get to a door to the outside to go smoke ... I am actually looking forward to spending my breaks the way I want to, instead of the way I had to, smoking a damned cigarette! 

Plus I cannot write on the board here because it's an assembly line & I cannot assemble and write at the same time! That line gets to moving pretty quickly sometimes! 
I don't want anyone to think that I bailed. I will try to get on here if I can, but it might be hard with just my cell phone. 

Anyway, here is a picture of what I assemble all day. I think this one just rolled off today or yesterday. :)


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well, duh, it had to of rolled off today. lol 

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You'll do fine mrsguest, because you want this :) Your pic didn't post but I did assembly work years ago so I know how monotonous it can be. 

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First job I ever had was on a line, assembling TV's At first I was they person bolting the transformer onto the TV chassis then graduated to filling in spots on the line for bathroom breaks.That was a long time ago and to this day I remember spinning those 4 nuts onto 4 bolts as the line moved on relentlessly. Yeah, I know exactly what you're saying about time to think. Direct those thoughts toward the benefits you'll be enjoying from quitting. Better health, more $$ to spend on things you want, not smelling like a stale ashtray, feeling proud of yourself for knowing what you can do in quitting the smokes. The list goes on an on. 

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I got to come home early today, as there was a ton of people there today! Plus there's a bit of a long story behind it - I have  a worker's comp case open, I will explain it one day!

Here's my pic: 


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Ouuuu ..... I'll have the blue one please 😍

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You will do fine, mrs.

Lots to dream about,

what will you spend your new dosh on ?

Oh, the places you will go !


NOPE your way through any grimy moments,

they won't last long and each time you conquer your thoughts

the stronger and more pliable your brain becomes.

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I'm not picky, I'll take any of them please 😍😍

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Thinking of you mrs,

Depending on if those patches were viable or not,

your body is pretty close to being nicotine free.

Now, it is a matter of retraining your brain to deliver endorphins for good things instead of the tie to nicotine.


So reward yourself ALL THE TIME !



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Red is my color! 😎 I also worked on an assembly line for a fancy schmancy cosmetic company for a while in college....putting liners and caps on jars of expensive skin creams, boxing up bottles of perfume and cologne, etc....at times it was like that episode of I Love Lucy with the candy coming down the conveyor belt...lol. Can't tell you how many times my thumb would go into the little jars as they would fly by....😉

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 I thought you were going to post a pic of boxes or something. I'd work there. The grass is always greener though I suppose.

Anyway, I quit whilst I was off work and when I went back I didn't know what to do with myself at break times. It used to be a case of desperately watching the clock so I could go to my car to inhale poisons and make my car messy and smelly. I've found other useful things to do now but it is weird at the beginning, weird but good.

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19 minutes ago, mightyboosh said:

 I thought you were going to post a pic of boxes or something. I'd work there. The grass is always greener though I suppose.


Absolutely! It's not as fun as it might look. It's very thankless. 


I'm struggling to find stuff to do at break now that I'm not hurrying to smoke the whole time. It's actually a nice time!! 

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8 minutes ago, mrsguest said:

I'm struggling to find stuff to do at break now that I'm not hurrying to smoke the whole time. It's actually a nice time!! 


The breaks don't just seem longer, they are longer. I used to 'catch up' on my lunch break and smoke three at least so that took about 15 mins off my break. That was just  destructive, addictive and wasted time.

I tend to stay in the building now, find a spare computer and do my own thing for a full hour.

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I smoked roughly 25 cigs a day which consumed approx. 7 minutes each one. That's 3 hours a day just smoking. Whether it's work breaks or personal time - you've got more of it now. You need to find productive ways to fill that void and you will. It seemed to just happen naturally to me - no plan and no strategy. It just got filled with other, healthier things.


There's a post around here somewhere called "Filling The Pages"; or something like that and it speaks to this issue exactly :) 

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I worked in Jaguar car plant ,when I first quit ...so I know about only having certain smoke times ..

The smoking area,s were so few and far between ..I  was glad to stay put and have a much earned drink and a sit down and rest ,instead of a stressful break of cramming my cig in ...and getting back ...

Rejoice ..,

You can relax And enjoy that much earned break ...another positive .....

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The small things count as well. It could be, "Have I got my fags?" "Damn, I've forgot my lighter. Oh no, It's empty, I'll have to nip to a shop on the way to work. Have I time?" I've got eight fags left....erm....is that enough until I get home tonight? Let's see, two on the way to work. Six on my breaks. Bugger, none for my journey home. Mmmmm... not enough but I've no money left. I'll ration them better."  Etc.etc.

All that palaver is gone now. The freedom comes in many guises.

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Here's the post I was referring to:


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32 minutes ago, reciprocity said:

Here's the post I was referring to:


Thank you! I need this today :)

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Here is Joel's take on 'breaks'


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I re-claimed my breaks with deep conscious breathing, a few in through nose - out through mouth

and the chance to find something of beauty.

That light on that leaf, that shadow, cloud, reflection or a happy memory, a little fantasy...a place where I could rest my brain and appreciate some beauty.


YOU are doing so great Mrs !  Thank you for sharing your quit with us.

Stay close and keep communicating.  You are building a sturdy quit.

Oh !  Don't forget to give yourself small rewards for every crave/trigger you conquer.



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