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when will i feel good

Hey  all , Havent been on for awhile. Hane not smoked either,  54 days now. Still foggy from time to time , achy in arms and back. Been to docs a few times , says and now i am off alprazolam for 5 days. Says what i am going through is pretty much what to expect for at least another moth or so.  Says the brain needs to adjust , and especially without the alprazolam.  Anyone else go through this , would like to know . Helps i guess sort of like misery likes company.   lol


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Richard, so happy to see you are still quit.  54 days is awesome.  You are in your second month now and fogginess is definitely a part of that.  I promise every day will get better. I remember sleeping a lot the first month.

Breath deep and concentrate on knowing how you are improving your life.   It seemed like yesterday I started my journey and I am now coming upon my year anniversary.  Time begins to move quicker and life becomes so much better. 

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Thank you linda. Lol sleeping alot is not one of my problems. Actually the opposite. ^ hours a day is alot lol. But i do have occasional power naps here and there  lol.

oops meant to write 6 hours 


Diane R


Richard I’ve been taking Chantix for 3 week and the body aches and Fatigue have been awful at times. I’m a heavy smoker and have been smoking for 40 plus years. So I can feel your pain. I felt like I had the flu. And I quit 13 years ago and it wasn’t has bad. But I still got sick for 3 or 4 days. My body aches are getting better now. But I’m still smoking 3 or 4 cigarettes a day. It will get better it’s just are bodies purging themselves of all the toxins put in them. Hang  in there. It will get better. And it will be worth it. 

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Posted (edited)

Thinking of you Richard.

Please educate yourself about nicotine addiction.

It is your best tool in the toolbox.

Read all you can, we have  wonderful resources.

I already bumped this thread for you in 'discussions' but, here it is in your blog

The Great Smoke Free Mental Fog


If you stay close to the board and post often,

we will be able to offer suggestions and support.

Stay as focused as you can on your quit

and stand strong in your commitment to NOPE.


Discomfort from quitting smoking is temporary.

Distract yourself.  Go have some fun.

Edited by Sazerac
  • Like 2


thanks all will check out the blog now

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Richard all of that is normal for the first two or three months. But I promise you you will feel better soon. Think of it as a reminder for if you ever think about relapsing. You can remember how sucky these first months were so you don't have to go through them again! I used to read my posts every monthaversary just so I wouldn't forget where I came from. 

And let me tell you, I had awful quit stuff going on. My gums bled, my tongue hurt, I couldn't sleep for weeks, it was horrible. But reading that each month reminded me that no way did I want to go through that again!

At 54 days you'll soon start seeing the great benefits instead of the bad effects. Heck you've already seen one by getting off the alprazolam :) 

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true  thanks for the support

true  thanks for the support

  • Like 4


1 hour ago, richard said:

rue  thanks for the support

true  thanks for the support

Richard, no thanks is needed.  That is what we are here for.  We want you to be able to achieve the same success that others have helped us achieve.  Please, Please reach out to us at any time.  

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It just sort of creeps up one you, one day you suddenly realise you don't feel like shit and you're not sure when you last did. 


And the way you feel now, while still not perfect, is better than how you felt 30 days ago for sure. It's just that the improvements are a little each day so you don't really notice. It's like kids..you see you kid every day and don't really clock their daily growth but you see someone else's kid once a month and you notice the growth each time.. well it's sorta the same.

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It's seems like adding salt to the wound. Quitters often feel worse the first few months after they quit.  I guess it wreaks havoc on a body when you just stop giving it the 7000 chemicals it was fed every day for decades. But once your body adjusts to how it should be treated, you'll find the improvements to your health will be off the charts.  It may still be a while Richard, but it's worth the discomfort. 

I went to the doctor many times in the first 6 months of my quit with a wide assortment of concerns....from aches, to fatigue, to breathing issues, to headaches, etc.  Then suddenly, I felt better than I've felt in decades.  I'm more active than any other time in my life.  I really encourage you to exercise (just plain walking is great).

The fact that it's difficult makes achieving the goal that much more rewarding.  You're doing great.

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yeah bkp i know. been to dos like every week mostly for the fog and aches in the shoulder and arms and mid back. I do have a bulging disc in the t-7 area and c-5  from a fall years ago. Go to a chiropractor for that and he pops me back into place , but ever since the quit which is now 60 days i just seems like it hurts more and every day. Probably in the head a bit also . But thank for the future heads up. God can not wait to feel good for like a day or 2 lol

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