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How am I going to get through this. When is the day gonna come that I don't obsess over a cigarette? Am I destined to be miserable?  To never feel happy? I know people say that I will be happy again but I don't feel that way. I have been quit for 2 1/2 months now. I still find it hard to concentrate. It's not going to happen for me. My joy is gone. Cigarettes have ruined my life. I pray for true happiness.  I wish I could be an inspiration instead of this pathetic woe is me person. I know I should be grateful. I should be free. But I'm still a slave. Why? Is there something wrong with me? Is my brain wired wrong?if all this isn't enough, I beat myself up for having a negative attitude.  I'm still committed. NOPE. Prayers for better days.

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Depression is mostly imaginary. 



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Posted (edited)

Solo, what you are experiencing is totally normal but I promise you it does get so much better. Just hang in there, at 2 1/2 months quit you're almost past the hardest months of quitting.

I'm going to bump a couple of my favorite posts, one called No Man's Land and one called Mental Balloons. Hopefully it'll help you feel better :)

Edited by jillar

Posted (edited)

Sorry , i forget to put a quote




It will all come back once you stay away from smoking


Life is a lot more things you have to do everyday . All these problems exist because you made cigarette a habit .


Life is a bit miserable for most of us most of the times .Boring , Depressing etc .But when you avoid smoking you can fight all these slowly slowly without ruining your health .

Edited by Redemption3
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Posted (edited)

Awww Solo we need to be patient. 8 weeks is barely enough time for a broken leg to heal so a lifelong smoking habit is definitely not going to be sunny and rosy this quickly. 


I come here for inspiration BUT I also come here to know that others find this as hard as me.  I let the golden oldies be the inspirations so that I can get on with being the "woe is me" you talk about. 


You're probably not depressed - you're just pissed off with how hard this actually is. Your rainbow will come just like all those before you. 


Edited by Lilly
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Wow Lily, great analogy with the broken leg! Impatience has been my issue with past quits and the depression really takes it's toll. I just need to remember to get comfortable with being uncomfortable for a short time (can't remember who on this forum said this).

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Nothing wrong with ya my friend. @2 months in myself. Feel just as bad, but people and doctors keep saying hang in there. Gonna change. Fight man fiiiiiiiiiiiiight. If it went easy all the time everyone would quit. Keep it up you are doing great.

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Thanks Richard. Congratulations to you as well. 2 months is quite an achievement!  I am finally beginning to have really good times of my day. thought I would never reach this part. The support I received from my quit buddies really helped me. I have to disagree with much of the info I've read about the quitting time table and how long it should take you to feel free of nicotine.  Everyone's quit is different.  I wish it had been easier for me. I seriously thought that I was doomed to have cravings all day for the rest of my life. Today, I can say, is sooooo much better than just 2 weeks ago. Look forward to your life without nicotine! Freedom is comming! !!

On 4/1/2019 at 10:54 PM, sgt.barney said:

Depression is mostly imaginary. 



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On 7/20/2019 at 10:12 AM, richard said:

 If it went easy all the time everyone would quit. Keep it up you are doing great.



If quitting was too hard all the time, nobody would quit

and there is a trainload of quitters here to cheer you on.


It gets better and it gets easier.  Please, believe us.

Your accumulated strength is astounding, I know you can't see it yet but, hold on !  You will !

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Thanks all will do. Gonna start a juice fast in about a week.Clensing starts today for about 5 to 7 days.Gonna start weaning off of caffine,  meats,  dairy , poultry, eggs  etc.I did this before when after my heart attack about 10 years ago i started to feel horrible with all the meds i was taking.Good god never felt so good .  Got off all meds with the doctor helping.Than like most people started slipping back lol. Now it will be a life change for good. Need to really detox. Ill let ya all know in about a 2 weeks how it went lol


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Well Richard, this does not sound like fun, but if it helps, good luck.  



Its more fun than you might think linda. Like i said did it before. The first 2  3 DAYS WERE ROUGH THAN BOOM A NEW WORLD STARTED TO APPEAR LOL. WE WILL SEE GONNA START OFF SLOW RIGHT NOW AND IF OK WILL CONTINUE.Opps sorry for the caps didnt realize they were on 

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Does this mean you never eat these foods again and you will be vegan?  



no  i will go back just less mostly fish and poultry. organic only this time. Except for that once in awhile rib eye steak with the fat on it lol But mostly fruit and veggies with heavy on the veggies.



Richard, I can't imagine it being fun but sounds like a great way to jump start a diet.  I have gained 20 quit smoking pounds and am not happy.  I have never been this heavy in my life.  Maybe you can direct me to some information on what you are doing.



Sure will girl.There is a great book you can get on amazon pretty cheap called the juice fasting bible. Pretty cheap i think i paid 10 bucks or so.Also a great great video on  netflix and i think even youtube. It is called "Fat Sick And Nearly Dead " A real funny but increadably informitive video. About and australin guy who was at wits end. Great video watch it first and you will run out and get the book. Good luck girl. Just starting to write down the goodies i will need to start on thursday.

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