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Celebrating my first week without cigarettes !!

Its been a hell of week

But i survived


Nicotine gums are  like my new best friend


I could not have done without it


Thanks to all the people who have supported me


I believe the ability to think is blessed. If you can think about a situation, you can deal with it. The big struggle is to keep your head clear enough to think. -  Richard Pryor

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Congratulations on getting through hell week redemption, you're doing great :) 

  • Like 1


The evening hyper mental times aside i am feeling great :)


One week over and the pull of the brain for a cigarette is still strong


I really thought all the cravings would go away after a week .


It could be again one of these issues ,


H.A.L.T. (Hungry,Angry,Lonely,Tired)


I am feeling lonely tired and therefore angry too .


I am also trying to avoid  too much computer usage at night times


Thanks for all the support

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I think being out of focus is a major part of everyday life .


You know , times when you are not able to focus on anything specific .


I always have this feeling that when you smoke it puts you back on focus quickly .


Maybe i should try some meditation techniques , in that way if i do not have anything specific to focus on , at least i can focus on my breathing part .


One more important point added , do not try to overcome the everyday out of focus issues with smoking .


9th successful day without smoking .


Sometimes the inability to focus is making me thinking about smoking again .


But i am not going to smoke .


"You need to work to strengthen your 'focus muscle' and figure out what is distracting you "

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@jillar  ,


Found an awesome article online


I think everyone trying to quit should read this .


Focusing on the Important Stuff in an Age of Distraction

In a world saturated with social media and unlimited interruptions, many of us struggle to focus on what’s in front of us. With so many voices vying for attention, it’s hard to know what’s worth our time





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What's on your gratitude list for today then? 


Mine's are;

1. My family. Had a lovely Sunday lunch and it's great fun catching up with everyone.

2. My comfortable bed. I got a nice lie in this morning and I just love my bed so much. Ok I admit it, I also got a wee siesta after lunch ?

3. Time alone. My hubby has been out since 3pm at the football and it's nice having the house to myself for a few hours. He 'll be home soon talking nonsense no doubt ? 


I really enjoyed thinking about my gratitude list for today. It might be tricky doing it every day or lots of repeats. But it's nice thinking about positive stuff, so thanks for that ?

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Congratulations on that first week, smoke free.  Keep up the great work!



Your craves and other negative effects will diminish when off nicotine all together.  So what works for you with the gum, but realized the effects can't quit until the gum quit.

Good job





Dear god i am thankful for a lot of things


I have no idea why i felt like posting it like this , lol


One more stupid entry for my blog , lol


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emit siht thgir sleef ti syaS
enil thgir eht dnuof dna dnuora ti denruT
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yaw ruoy gnimoc niart thgierf a tsuj sI
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yaw ruoy gnimoc niart thgierf eht tsuj sI






Wow i am exhausted to the max in the evening , i cannot stay focused in the evening , with my 2 year old kid around it is a bit hard to stay focused , lol




I am trying to conquer the emptiness in the evening these days .From 6 to 9:30 or 10 , i am so out of focused , tired , dull and exhausted .


So i am trying to figure out ways to stay fresh somehow during the evenings




  • Haha 1


Good lord lad, write like a normal person. I feel like a bloody owl try to read that shit. I´ll try to figure it out because, honestly, im curious. You own me 10 bucks for the effort though. 



Got it! Oh lord theres a freight train coming my way.


Oh please god nooooooo i wanna live. Im too young to die. I even havent had a divorce yet.


Someones gonna pop a bullet in my brain isnt it? Oh shit... ?


Nah i keed. You´re a strange lad. I like you though.



@StewieTech ,


Thanks for the reply ...



Here is the answer , lol


Metallica - No Leaf Clover , i reversed the text in a little application , lol


[Verse 1]
And it feels right this time
On this crash course with the big time
Pay no mind to the distant thunder
New day fills his head with wonder, boy

Says it feels right this time
Turned it around and found the right line
Good day to be alive, Sir
Good day to be alive, he said

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just a freight train coming your way
Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just the freight train coming your way

[Verse 2]
Doesn't it feel right like this
All the pieces fall to his wish
Sucker for that quick reward boy
Sucker for that quick reward they said

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just a freight train coming your way
Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just the freight train coming your way
It's coming your way
It's coming your way

[Guitar Solo]

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just a freight train coming your way
Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just the freight train coming your way



It must be the gums , i think i am a nicotine gum addict now ,


9 days and 13 hours without smoking .


I feel really good right now !!!!!!!!!



Yeah i used a website to unreverse the text, jokes on you. ?


I...i dont know the meaning behind that without context.


"freight train coming your way"? What are you up to? You better be not thinking about doing something naughty!


Must be the gums really. What dosage are you on? I think you should give up on the gums now...sorry im not trying to be an asshole but you´ve been feeding artificial nicotine for 9 days now. Let them go and endure a little discort. Then it gets better.



@StewieTech ,


I just liked this two lines of the song to be honest , lol


Good day to be alive, Sir
Good day to be alive, he said


Nowadays eating less than 5 gums daily .


I do not need gums in the morning

I do not need it at noon time


But in the evenings after 6 .

I cannot stay away from the smoking cravings without it



Yes its always good to be alive. I love being alive, its my favorite thing ever.


You keep diminishing those gums and soon you will be totally free of nicotine. When do you plan to give up the nicotine for good?


Peace :)





Thanks for the reply ,


I am not using the forum much these days .


Keeping the internet activity to a minimum


I have loads of assignments to finish for the 5th semester distance education  course ,  bit stressed out .


So staying away from the PC too


Have fun everyone



What is your quit date Potts... must be getting close to the one month mark? How are you going????

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A bit of a disaster after 24 days of not smoking .


Was drinking , i had lots of stress and lighted up one .


So there goes my 24 days quit .


I am restarting again




Oh Pott's... I was doing the math in my head and getting all excited you were nearly on month... Have you noticed, each time you quit you are going longer. OK think about what you learnt this time... 24 days was so much better. Next time we are aiming for infinity... you can do this, you went 24 days. OK is you havn't started again you need to get onto that right away... no more dithering... this is the forever quit.

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