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Cacophony and Silence (Tormented)

It seems like there's a fight going on inside,
Words going stark raving mad to take flight.
I hesitate, but they want a deluge
To hide is something they absolutely refuse.

I ponder, wait and consider all angles
They run unchecked, unhinged, untangled.
Do I open the gates, I wonder
Would the flood tear my life asunder?

They just want to be free, not like freedom today
In the true sense, totally uninhibited
No judging, no boundaries, no questions
Free to choose their destiny, their directions.

So I let them flow, crimson like the Nile millenia ago
They gush out, jump, and rush head on into the world.
They clash against stoic wills and egos, against logic and emotions,
Some get smashed to pieces, some hit hard, some get ignored, and some unleash the demons.

I feel empty inside, like suddenly the colors are gone
the world is bathed in pristine white.
The silence is deafening, maybe I'm not used to peace
For I know that like everything, peace comes at a price.

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Did you write those yourself? Thats pretty impressive. I can relate.

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Hey Stewman, yes I did... Thank you for understanding the thoughts behind it 

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Tormented! what the hell is going on around me??

please i never meant to hurt anyone!! did i hurt anyone? did i injusticed or made something bad to anyone??



i was just in love and im kind of an idiot sometimes

i think im a good person...

someone talk to me



Stewman, wassup, this is not directed at you...you are a good person for sure



Do you know a woman name Robynne? Is this all in my head? Am i ill?

Ive constructed a movie in my head and i dont know whats real anymore

Im feeling suicidal again

i wont do it though

i need some ansiolithicas splease speak to me soon thank you



Im feeling better. Im sorry for spamming your beautiful post, feel free do delete these messages later.


Do you know my name besides David? Have you seen something about me on the web? im confused. i see evidence but also contradictions everwhere. I fear i should have to be hospitalized if the medication doesnt kick in



Im sorry Tammy, is there a way to delete these messages? I was really in great anxiety and angst. I should have not spammed your beautiful post. Maybe ask a moderator. Anyway, thank you.

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