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Repeating a particular activity, even if only with the imagination, wires it more securely into the brain. Thus each attempt at self-discipline is worthwhile. There’s no such thing as failure unless one actually gives up and stops trying. Every attempt at self-discipline is a step towards accomplishing it. Even just thinking about it is a step in the right direction.



Someday i have to conquer this addiction

Addiction is something that makes you mental if you don't get it ...


Most of the days i usually try to quit before the clock hits 12 o clock midnight .


That is my most favorite time



The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing

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  On 11/15/2018 at 5:40 PM, redemption3 said:

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing


this is true!


So...how can you change that?


Posted (edited)

Hello babs609 ,


I have been trying to narrow a lot of things down related to my very serious addiction .

It happens everyday , the narrowing down process .


I was able to cut down a lot of triggers that led me to smoking , improved a lot of things about my diet etc .


A minute ago i was reading about the importance of relaxation techniques , i think that is what i have been missing .

Automatically my mind is a bit of a mess due to number of things i have to continuously follow , like my studies


From today on wards i am going to focus a lot more on the word relaxation techniques


I always thought relaxation techniques was simply some breathing techniques to calm one down .


That is not always the case .


In times like these when addiction makes one restless and mental , all sorts of relaxation techniques are so important .


Life is sometimes mental , sometimes dull , sometimes too much stress .


There is only one way to deal with it .


That is  to practice all the relaxation techniques one knows


I am going to continuously try to learn about it , starting from Friday 16/11/2018 

Edited by redemption3
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I can see you are learning and that's great to see. So Friday is your quit date? I think this blog will be a useful outlet for you and it will help you in your quit. So please keep blogging.

Relaxation is very important. I know it sounds contradictory but I exercise to relax. It chills me out, takes away stress and helps me sleep. Even a nice walk outside is relaxing. Have a think or a plan what you can do to relax as it is important. 



Thanks WeegieWoman ,


I have been googling all sorts of things from breathing techniques , yoga , meditation , Buddhism etc since past few months 

All of those does not always looks practical in real life .



Everything is missing something .

We do all those things to relax .

So the key word here is relaxation itself .


If none of the above works one should at least tell oneself to relax somehow most of the time under stress . Those simple words itself helps a lot

Breath in , Breath out


Relax , Relax , Relax ...




I have been googling relaxation techniques since the past 40 minutes


I am trying to find a book about the various relaxation techniques .


Let me see if i can find a good book about it



There's no easy out of this addiction. If you're not willing to make the effort to not smoke, you will never succeed. You're not the first chronic relapser and you won't be the last. Don't be so quick to cave to a crave. 



I had many a quit where I was quick to cave. But those experiences helped me get where I am today. 34 years old and over one year quit. I kept trying and this time it stuck. 

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  On 11/15/2018 at 11:12 PM, WeegieWoman said:

I had many a quit where I was quick to cave. But those experiences helped me get where I am today. 34 years old and over one year quit. I kept trying and this time it stuck. 


Is there anything in particular that you can identify that made this one work for you Weegie? 



Yes, absolutely. Around a week prior to my quit date 3 people I know got diagnosed with cancer. One skin, one throat and one lung. 

The one with lung cancer a young under forty mum. The penny dropped. I was no longer in denial. 

So I quit on a whim but I had no wool pulled over my eyes anymore. The phrase smoking kills is not just words, it's actually true! 

That young mum died weeks later. The other two are fine. 


It was no longer being in denial that made this one work for me. I have a good life, I don't wana die. It's plain obvious now but omg so strange that you don't really realise this when you are smoking. 

  • Thanks 2


OK - thanks Weegie! This will help a lot more people than you might think :) 


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I am 33 years old ... started smoking at 30 only , smoked 3 or 4 cigarettes daily , started smoking around my wife's pregnancy ... i smoke outside only ...lol

but since the last one year i am a chain smoker , i finish a pack a day 


Which makes me a sad person too ...


i just figured out a few more things . when i am left alone behind my pc i am  a very happy person .I feel peaceful and don't even think about smoking

Then i stare into my Facebook and few websites i regularly visit .I feel very calm , cool , and happy


I guess its when i have to deal with some people that i don't like is when i feel like smoking as a way to escape things i do not like .


At least narrowed down a few more important things


Nowadays whenever my brain shows craving i eat a nicotine gum and thus i am able to control it for few hours .


I have a very good feeling that i am going to give away this smoking habit maybe right now , because i have sore throat and  i was drinking warm water right now .


I can do this .


Why do i think i cannot do this ?



Right now i do not have cigarettes with me and i am not planning to buy it either


Maybe its time  to put a proper forum ticker .


This time i swear in the name of my god , i am not going to buy another pack .


I personally do not even like cigarettes anymore , but its like my brain is a completely  different person asking for more cigarettes


Maybe its time  to put a proper forum ticker


@jillar , @reciprocity


Thanks for the replies




This is very weird , i do not want to smoke anymore .

I hate smoking

It rises my heart rate

It heats up my body and face


I know all this .


But I think my brain is struggling a bit and is asking for a smoke .


It is like suddenly me and brain are two persons .


Let me see if i can control my brain this time .


Sorry brain , i do not have cigarette's with me .


You can have a nicotine gum instead .


I do not even like nicotine gum , but my brain is very restless .


Now i get it . Its not me that wants the cigarette ,

It is my brain this time .


I think it is feeling empty without the nicotine and is going through some sort of reaction , lol


I personally seriously do not want the cigarette





What worked for me redemption3 was tricking my brain into thinking it was getting the real thing by smoking my JAC (jillars air cigarette). Just pretend you're holding a real cigarette in your fingers and then go through the motions of "smoking" it. It worked great for me. Some people use cut straws, pens etc. Maybe try that?



It is going through a reaction... its called detox....use the gum... I did... but to really quit you will need to give the gum up eventually too.... but your brain is screaming for its nicotine hit... it can't re-wire properly while you are still having the gum... so sure, use it for the worst of it but eventually you need to man up and face the detox horror head on without the gum or you will never truely be free.

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Not trying to be an asshole or too closed minded but i would give up the gum as soon as possible. Its nicotine going into your system. Go cold turkey lad. But hey, whatever makes you quit smoking. Im with you lad.


Posted (edited)



Thanks i will try that :) , i will try everything , because the sort of freshness i get when i do not smoke is amazing .


Earlier i had some trouble being energetic when i woke up in the morning but that is because i used to go to bed very late

It was not the cigarette , it was my sleeping habit .

When i get proper sleep i don't feel like an energy drained person in the morning , first i thought it was the cigarette .Its not , its just an issue related to my sleeping habits




If i give up the gums right now i have this really uneasy feeling ... i guess i will slowly give up the nicotine gums too .

My god ,  even though i joined this forum to quit smoking , i learned a lot more about managing my own life  , lol





I have tried the cold turkey way many times before , but i think why it did not work is because i had an empty feeling when i was doing nothing at all .

This chewing nicotine gums is like a little activity on its own


So i am going to stick with the gums for 1 or 2 more weeks


That way i don't get too bored :)


Edited by redemption3
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I am all for anything that helps you but make sure you stick to that plan of 1 or 2 weeks


"That way i don't get too bored"--I can think of about a thousand things to do that aren't more boring than chewing nicotine gum....if it was just about the activity you would just chew regular gum.  This nicotine addiction is a sneaky devil

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Hey lad, hows it going? Still rocking a beatiful quit? :)

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I am going to take away nicotine gums away from life too , soon


I still have no idea how one can quit without using gums , because sometimes the pull of the brain for a smoke is too hard .


For me , that strong pull only goes  away once i start chewing a gum .


Otherwise i should be doing some other interesting activities , lol




I am doing alright , but i have to eat at least 9 or 10 nicotine gums to fight the nicotine cravings


I will stay away from that too within a week



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