Day 2
Day 2 is done but today I felt a little less upbeat than yesterday.
The ulcer in my mouth seems to have moved it's friends in. I can now feel a few ulcers which is making eating virtually impossible due to the pain. I'm drinking plenty but I think I really could do with a proper meal. I thought I would have some soup tonight but for some reason I didn't even enjoy it. I don't know if that's because of the ulcers, if my taste buds are changing or if it's the two tubes of Bonjela I have tucked in my cheeks.
In a perverse way I'm actually enjoying what withdrawal is bringing. This is the worst quit physically I have ever had but I stuck it out and another day is done.
I watched all the Joel Spitzer Day 2 videos today and gained more knowledge to keep me focused on the end goal.
I'm now in Day 3.
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