I have several circles of friends. I divide them up. Maintain relations with each of them . We are all in varying stages of life, big kids, little kids, no kids, stress, remorse, and contentment. I never really thought about how I categorize(d) my friends. Perhaps it was mentioned in passing many years ago in between banter with the bartender. I see it -so much more clearly now that I observe my young child's social interactions. I observe through a microscope and telescope. Both are equally helpful.
It is amazing how I can still be an outcast in social situations. The varying social situations I often find myself in. Nearly two years ago, I was the only smoker. So I thought. Secret smokers are everywhere! I always felt on edge, wanting to leave the discussion or party just to go home and smoke in the privacy of my own patio. Being a secret smoker sucked. I felt isolated.
I have a new set of friends. I've kept the old. It is safe now for me to socialize with my old friends that still smoke. Safe because I am not a smoker. I stay inside and they spend more time outside. Again, I feel isolated.
They are safe because I am not a cheater. I'm inside alone with their card hands face down on the table.
I'm honest.
I'm a non-smoking, non-cheating crappy card player.
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