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Catching me by surprise.

I’m more than two weeks smokefree. Yay me!


i just sat down to work email and wanted to, visualized it actually, reaching for my pack of cigarettes. Like a ghost or shadow it was. It caught me by surprise. 


Reminder: I have not given anything up by not smoking. This is just the many, many years of habit acting on my brain and physical being. The muscle memory.  It will take time to rewire me so I have to be patient and not give any more thought space to smoking thoughts than the initial thought itself. There is nothing to miss about smoking. I was its slave. I am free without it. I can hike up the rough trail of the mountain, I can watch a whole movie, and I can ride in a car without the window open. I have more time to be the me I want to be because I’m no longer held back by smoking. 

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The benefits of being smoke free increase exponentially hourly, daily, monthly, yearly...

They are important to celebrate.  Any smoking body memory you break leaves you free to create body memories that will honor you.

It was interesting learning how addiction turned me into Pavlov's Dog.

After quitting the patterns shattered and new delights took their place.

Stay clear, hold tight to your resolve, expect unexpected bumps.

Soon, what you are feeling and experiencing will be a memory.

Already, you can celebrate a sublime accomplishment, 'Look ! I quit smoking, this is how I did it'.


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Your quit is very young - don't expect too much in 2 weeks time.

Good for you to look at the positives!

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Rose I occasionally still get those muscle memory announcements... they aren't really craves anymore... more their like oh I usually do something else now, what do I do?, oh that's right I smoke, wait a minute I don't smoke, stupid Jo smoked but thats finished with now.... and then I move along.


In the earlier days of my quit it was extreme... the muscle memory smoking prompts were vivid and a bit of a side swipe that rattled my resolve... now they are almost funny when they happen they are so pathetic...


You really are doing well with your quit, buckle up because there are likely to be a few more bumpy days in your journey yet, half way to one month done. Keep it up.

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You're doing the right thing by repeating these positive things to yourself because .... it's all true! Smoking doesn't do 1 damn thing good for you. It only compels you to keep feeding it's horrible addictive self every waking hour of each day and you don't need that anymore. You're way better off without it!

Yes, it's a battle to get there but it will be so worth your time and effort :) Keep going because that's what it takes. It's more of an endurance event than a sprint. The intensity of what you are going through right now will fade soon enough but the work will continue to make sure you have the strongest quit possible. One that will last a lifetime. Enjoy the experience because it will be like no other and hopefully, you will never have to repeat it.

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Thinking of you Rosewothorns.


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Thank you, Sazerac! I'm hanging in there doing pretty good with this quit...loving the smokefree life (well mostly loving it). On Saturday I hiked a trail in the Smoky Mountains ... it was a difficult one and above my skill level, but I made it up and back super grateful that I don't smoke anymore. 

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I am so glad to hear you are good.  Beautiful Smoky Mountains and Spring !

I see your NOPE every day and it makes me smile.

Yes, we are all super grateful we don't smoke anymore, it really is the best.



Two weeks is awesome!! Soon two will be four , then a lifetime ??you got this ?




Reminder: I have not given anything up by not smoking. This is just the many, many years of habit acting on my brain and physical being. The muscle memory.  It will take time to rewire me so I have to be patient and not give any more thought space to smoking thoughts than the initial thought itself. There is nothing to miss about smoking. I was its slave. I am free without it. I can hike up the rough trail of the mountain, I can watch a whole movie, and I can ride in a car without the window open. I have more time to be the me I want to be because I’m no longer held back by smoking. 


So true and powerful Rose. Really helps me. Thanks for sharing. 

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