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Smoke Free Saturday

I am still smokefree!!! 


Yesterday I drove 3 hours without smoking. I held a straw in my left hand for most of the trip. At one point I actually flicked it as if to get the ash off out the window. That was totally out of habit and without thinking. I thought it was kind of funny. It made me realize how much of this is the habit of smoking, the muscle memory. 


I was also also thinking about what seems different about this quit for me. It’s not as much of a struggle for me as the last time I quit. For that I’m super grateful but I won’t take it for granted. There is the chantix which may have a lot to do with it. But this time I think a big difference is I’m just taking it as it comes...like right now I’m not going to smoke kind of thing. Or when I feel an urge, I’m more accepting that an urge is just a natural part of the process. It’s ok to acknowledge and accept it knowing it will pass. In my previous quit it felt like an all-consuming, constant struggle and battle. I was often  focused on the fear of never smoking again and feeding the anxieties that go with that. I muscled through it and stayed quit for three years. But I think because I was always saying, “you can’t do that. you can’t smoke” it was like I was denying myself something instead of giving myself the greatest gift of all. This time I  just keep telling myself I have a choice. I can smoke or not smoke and I’ve wanted to not smoke for so many years that I think I won’t smoke right now. That’s the right choice for me right now. Rinse. Repeat. 


Today is is an amazingly sunny and beautiful day. I went for a walk on the beach with my husband who is also smokefree for a whole day now!! It was a wonderful time and reward. I felt a lot of joy!!!


I washed and vacuumed the car to try to get some of the stink out. Under the driver’s seat I found one of my cigarettes. I looked at it for a moment or two trying to decide if I was tempted. I tossed it in the yard. When my husband came out I showed him — look what I found—and then I put it in the shop vac. 


So instead of me sucking on the cigarette, the cigarette got sucked up today!!!




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Great post Rose, and congrats to your hubby too! :)

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What a lovely post Rose. And I'm so happy that your hubby has decided to join your new smoke-free life.


It resonates with me, your talking about what a gift you are giving yourself by quitting. It's true! I go to bed most every night just plain grateful that I now live life as a non-smoker. It's an amazing feeling.

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Thank you for the eye candy, Rose, and congratulations to you and your husband.

I am so glad you are taking the time to document your quit, it is very helpful, thanks.


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I'm so glad that you are experiencing so much happiness. You are focusing on the positives and that is really wonderful.:12_slight_smile:

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Thank you for the post Rose, what you say is so valuable in handling a quit and will help many people (to include myself).  What you state about previous quits and the fear of never smoking is so true.  As you stated accepting the challenge of quitting is so much more helpful since each crave and each day you succeed is a win in itself.  The muscle memory thing is so true that is where the sneaky craves come into play with me.  Good job and I am so jealous of wherever you live and the weather you are having.  

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great going Rose...

I wish I had done a blog...great to look back and see how far you have travelled....

Great news Hubby has joined you ...you two have just given yourselves a BIG pay rise ...x

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