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April 3, 2018

Day 2 and I am smoke free. It has been easy up to this point. I knew I would not be smoking anyway. I did not sleep well last night but I am sure it is from staying in a hotel bed as opposed to my own bed. I really have not had any cravings. I have only chewed 4 pieces of gum. DD and I ate at lunch at CookOut and I did have a deep longing for a "smoke" when I tried to drink my milkshake. I guess the pull on the straw as I was trying to get the think milkshake through the straw "inspired the desire" to smoke. So I ate my shake with a spoon. 


Yesterday when we stopped to fuel up before we started up the mountains I came a cross to cigarettes in the pocket on the passengers side. I contemplated keeping them, buying a lighter so I could smoke later that evening when we got to the hotel. But I quickly broke them and threw them away before I talked myself into buying the lighter. 


I am pleased that I have not been short tempered, as normally I do get very short tempered when I go a period of time with out a cigarette. 


Tomorrow we travel home, getting home will be the real challenge, as I will be back in to a daily routine. 

I have been reading over the changes to the body, but as I am using gum and I still have nicotine in my body I guess I can not gauge my recovery based on these times lines. I was trying to find something positive to focus on for day 3 of my quit as I know this might be a struggle once I return home. By day 3 nicotine should be out of the body, but of course I have been using the gum so that is not the case. So I will focus on the fact that my lungs have been smoke free for 3 days and that I am free from trying to find the time to smoke.  It truly had become a burden to find a time to smoke, and then in high stress times it became stressful trying to sneak in a cigarette. But amazingly enough I would smoke a pack a day. Unbelievable, imagine what I could accomplish if I channel that effort to something else......hum need to think about what I can channel my effort towards. That will be my day 3 goal.   


Today I was amazed at the number of student on campus that were vaping. 

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You're doing great Marie. The first week is filled with excitement as we are so happy that we got through one day let alone 2,3,4 etc. Insomnia is pretty common so don't be surprised if you find it wasn't the hotel bed. Use us to help you past this crucial first month, you got this! :)

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I am so proud of you Marie for disposing of the cigs you found. Remember that in the days to come, how good it felt to have the discipline and determination to succeed this time. You can and you will. I like that you're trying to focus on good things about quitting: is your breathing noticeably better? I know my smoker's cough disappeared within 48 hours of quitting, which was WONDERFUL. Maybe that is something for you to think about.....


And think about change-ups you can do to your daily routine, where smoking won't fit in.


You're doing great!

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Thanks Lin and Jilar, the return home was very eventful, but I am still a non smoking, will update in a blog post in a bit.

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