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Future Focused!

Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks Oh! My!


Well I blow my quit back in 2015, not that is was a very long quit but none the less it was a quit and I never came back. Flash forward almost 3 years and life is out of control. 

  • Teenage son (17) who is making all the wrong decisons
  • Teenage daughter (18) who graduates this year and leaves for college 7 hours away in the fall
  • Menopause is knocking at my back door along with all the hormonal shifts
  • I teach high school, it is high stress, demanding and I never do enough.....and at this point I can not even imagine that I have the qualifications to do anything else. 
  • Dealing with all the responsibilities of being a wife, mother and homemaker

So about 2 years ago I started having panic attacks, and now at this point I am on the edge of severe anxiety. I have been to the doctors 3 times in the last 6 months to adjust meds, and they really are not helping.


The one thing I have not done is made important lifestyle changes. So here I am, probably at the worst time mental and emotional of my life to quit smoking. But change has to happen, I am 49 and I want more out of life then what I am getting. Smoking has taken so much away from me that I can not get back, but I can make a change that will give me a better future. 


So on Monday my daughter and I will be heading out of town for a final college campus tour. So Monday will be my quit date. April 2, 2018.

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Life does have a way of throwing a bunch of crap at us at any given moment. There never seems to be a right time to quit smoking.

I do hope you can get the panic attacks under control, but as far as the quit is concerned...I have found that I have panic attacks whether I smoke or not.

Since this is not your first run on this board, I hope you will lean on us as much as possible - you know how much everyone is rooting for you.

You can do this!!

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I don't deal with high anxiety or panic attack issues so I can not give you any advice in that regard but I have read posts from others on this board who do suffer from these issues and have managed to quit for long periods of time and virtually all have said the same thing. Their level of anxiety after they had quit was much lower than when they smoked.


Anxiety created because of smoking is just that .... it's because of your addiction to nicotine. It's a never ending cycle that starts up again the minute you put out that cigarette. That smoking anxiety just gets added on top of whatever other anxiety issues one might have. This smoking thing only makes everything else worse in our lives. Do whatever you need to and get this out of your life. It will be the best thing you have ever done :)

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Thanks so much reciprocity and beazel for the visit and for your support and words of wisdom.


Today is my quit day and I really have tried not to build it up to much, as that will make me anxious. 


At around 9:00 my DD and I will be leaving for a 2 day trip to visit a college 7 hours away. Finial tour before she makes her final decisions between 3 schools.


So at 9 I will get rid of whatever I have left of my pack and just be done with it. It should be a stress free enjoyable trip for the start of my "Smoke Free Life".





You can do this.. Stick to you plan.. And stay strong.

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Beginnings are scary. Know that this one, while difficult, will bring wonderful things to your life. You are strong and you will be disciplined and you will succeed Marie.


Have a safe and happy trip today.

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Thank you notsmokinjo and Lin-quitting for your words of encouragement and support. 

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