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First Entry into Blog Oct 30 2017

So here is the funny part.......in my past attempts to quit, I had often thought about starting a blog or more like an online journal if you will.....so this is pretty darn cool I must say :D Destiny maybe??

Day 3 of not smoking........actually 36 hours as of 10:07am this morning......feeling pretty good, actually spectacular.....breathing is getting better and overall just plain feel good including my attitude. This can actually be a dangerous time for me as in the past, I have said to myself......"you're doing good! Lets have 1 to celebrate" :o

So, with that being said, I did have a IWAC thought this morning but dismissed by going walking and doing other things.......it has passed and I no longer want one.........(PS: I have smokers who live in the same household so its not hard to smoke at all--smoking is not allowed in the house tho)

Bought a couple books today to read when I finish the one Im currently reading.........thanks to another suggestion on here I will be reading more to help detour my mind to better things.......also bought a crossword book. Its been my experience that if I dont occupy my mind, it can go a little berserk with the smoking thing (and just overthinking in general) so the more things I do that occupy it, the better........Last night I colored while I listened to the subliminal no smoking video and that was pretty cool if anyone else is interested in trying that method to help :)

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That's it Lisa. These early days are for developing a tool-box of tricks YOU can use to help get by the early part of your quit. Distractions and other activities are key in helping you through those early days. It sounds as if you have learned probably the most important thing and that is to never fool yourself into believing you can have just one! That's why the daily commitment to N.O.P.E. is SO critical. Keep going forward Lisa - you're doing GREAT!

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Thank you for the words of encouragement :)



I wish now..I had done a journal..it would have made good reading I'm sure...keeping our brains busy,is a big part of a quit,stops us over thinking... Jigsaws too.great tool,or you can have a punching pillow like me..lol...

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