Day 1 - 24 of my quit
I wanted to start this blog to capture my quit journey and staying nicotine free.
For me this started 22-July (24 days ago)
I just had enough. I was tired of the coughing and having to plan my life around smoking breaks. In addition to being healthier, I wanted to a better role model for my kids. I didn't want to have to hide or lie about my addiction anymore.
For the most part I quit cold turkey.. I did use nicotine gum for the first couple of days.
I stopped when I realized I was just prolonging my addiction.. I realize this method isn't for everyone and NRT is better and healthier that smoking.
I can honestly say that the first two weeks were hard.. I was cranky, and had cravings.. to get by, I did isolate myself as much as possible.. To pass the time (when not at work) I binge watched a couple of TV shows.. in addition, I spent slot of time on similar sites reading quit stories and postings.. I also exercised on the treadmill to distract myself and to combat any weight gain. I have actually lost 4 lbs since I quit!
At the start of week 3, I had my first (of 3) dreams where I was smoking.. luckily it was just a dream.. my mind just playing a trick on me.. This phase didn't last long.. during this week I did have some nights were sleeping was difficult. During this week I took a 3 day vacation with my family.. it was great not to have to sneak off and find a place to smoke.
I am now in week 4.. I feel "normal" for the most part and only minimal cravings or thoughts about smoking. At this point I am so glad I am nicotine free because I know my body chemistry is returning to normal.. I believe it is called nicotine downregulation.. basically withdrawal symptoms stop around 1-2 months and it takes 3 months for the brain to return to "normal". I am not an expert here but the addiction and withdrawals are some of the main reasons why it is hard to quit.. for me this is an important milestone..
Time to pause and think of a away to reward myself.. any thoughts? I am thinking about another piece of exercise equipment.. stationary bike .. not sure but running is hard on my feet and knees so I need to supplement the treadmill., I still have 25 lbs to loose to hit my weight goal and I hope to run a my first 5k this fall..
I am new to "blogging" any suggestions for future entries?
I am doing this to capture my thoughts and it helps my through the process.. I also want an account of my thoughts to possibly share with my wife and kids one day.
also I really hope I can be a help to people that are starting their smoke free journey..
One minute/ One day at a time.. I promise it gets easier!
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