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i feel like i am crawling right now, but soon i will be running!


so far what i am feeling is like i am going to rip my skin off still. i've also been feeling as if i am gritting my teeth throughout the day [even with gum in my mouth] or clinching my jaw together. i am wondering if that is something that is normal, which i'm sure it is.


today the husband and i went out for a bit and it was hard walking around shops with people outside of them smoking, not going to lie. i wanted to rip one out of their pack and run and light it with two sticks!


i wish there was more to update here, but honestly the last couple of days have been rough and my head has been up in the clouds somewhere. i am still trying to maintain and keep as busy as i possibly can, but i feel like i have run out of things to do. my house is completely organized from top to bottom, though. i do need to jump on the pantry and get it sorted so maybe i will do that this evening.


here is my update, blog. i still am feeling like absolute poo! but i know god doesn't give me more than i can handle. and i know that my body is an amazing and powerful thing, and will continue to push through as best i know how.

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Sounds pretty much normal for early days - it's like nothing you have ever had to do but, it will not last like that for long so ..... embrace it.



Every day ..is taking you close to freedom....

Take it one minute at a time if need be...

Give yourself a big pat on the back..what your achieving is Amazing.!!!!

Devil Doll


Gotta crawl before you can walk! You have got this, every thing that you mentioned is common and it passes. It sucks for now but it will subside.



Every day is a victory nellie.  Be sure to acknowledge the wonderful benefits you're realizing despite feeling like poo.



Thus too shall pass! I've said trillions of times! I can so relate! I too have the high anxiety crude & it's awful! Absolutely horrible! You'll get through & when you do, pull me along please! Hang in there, it will get better, I've been told...

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