Day 2- learning how to tame the monster
hours 1- 9 Sleeping
8:22AM I woke up and looked around, hey I'm still alive. Took one look at the clock, "crap I need to be at the gym at 8:30" ran out the house, did not brush my hair or take the dog out, "shit i wont be too long". Got to the gym and realized I did not have a craving yet.... probably because the trigger is taking the dog out. "huh that's interesting"
hour 11: 10:00AM- Got home, still no craving, took the dog out, still no craving. had a protein shake, small craving. spent the next 2 hrs playing with the dog, and cleaning my kitchen.
hour 14: 1pm - I feel fine. eat lunch, big salad with chicken and crutons and cheese.... for desert, a donut and glass of milk..... now im tired.
Hour 16: 3pm exhaustion leads to naps, naps ensure my quit, woke up from the nap and went to the grocery store, no major cravings yet.
Hour 18: 5pm cooking breakfasts for the next few days just to keep occupied.
Hour 21: 8pm. My boyfriend came to visit, watched a movie, ate some snacks, cuddled on the couch. Bo cravings at all while he was here.
Hour 23: 10 pm, what is it about this time of night that i always get a massive craving? Fought tooth and nail through the craving.... giving up and going to bed.....
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