Day 1
Hour 1-9: easy.... I was asleep through this part.
Hour 10: 8AM I woke up and had the usual morning craving when I took my dog out for a walk, I actually went around the block instead of sitting on the step to have a smoke.
Hour 12: 10AM cravings getting a little more intense now, but I read alot of information online about nicotine and what it really actually does to your body.
Hour 15: 1pm Had to go to the school for a program planning session, I had major road rage on the way there, so I stopped and got some food and ended up eatting more then normal which scared me a little, but then thought I had not eatten anything at all today.
Hour 17: 3pm Went to work right after my program planning session, I got there a full hour before I was scheduled to start, I was feeling pretty exhausted so I took a catnap in my car.
Hour 24: Through work I was absolutely fine, my exhaustion went away, I was left with a pretty minor headache...... When I left work I was hit with a massive craving..... if I closed my eyes I saw the little purple monster behind my eyelids playing with my nervous system begging for me to feed him. every time I came upon a gas station he would send his signals through my brain as hard as he could to cause me to stop and buy cigarettes, but I screamed louder reciting my nope pledge until he shut up. That was the most exhausting drive home ever.
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