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I am so sick and tired

... of this pain, hurt, anger, tears. Sjeesh waiting for 4 hours now before my dinner meals will be delivered. I am done, pissed off. I crave a smoke and a booze. I won't I WILL NOT DO THAT!


Okay afer sleeping in bed 2 hours and waking in midst of cravings I asked myself WHY?


It's about hiding, not feeling; a natural response for your brain!!! To get out of it I had to realise I'm allowed to feel, crave but it won't help a silly thing if put myself back on day zero. So feel, jump, scream...

I am free!!!


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From what you say, your craves and some of your other feelings coming up

can be attributed to 

H A L T.

are you hungry, angry, lonesome, tired.


Learning about HALT was a keystone to my quit and continues to this day,

it took a long time to un-learn sticking a cigarette in my mouth as a panacea.

It took a long time to recognize what my body was really asking for.

Both Tobacco and Alcohol mask what lies within

and now these are coming to the front. Welcome them, accept them even if they are painful.

It is the work for all of us to know ourselves, to accept ourselves and to love ourselves

and the rewards of this are hard won, as you know !

Stay Cool, Be of Good Cheer.  Where is that beautiful Smile ?  You are Free.

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Hmmm Saz can you do a bigger post on the boards about HALT?



oh, good, you bumped Babs' thread on HALT.

I have one in there somewhere, the same one I have in my blog

Riffing On HALT


edited to fix link  :)

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