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The Evolution of Cigarettes in One Big Puff

Hello everyone,


This is my very first blog post so I wanted to put a little extra effort into it.

A few weeks ago, I came across this cool timeline that looks at the the percentage of American adults who smoked through the decades between the 40s and now.

It also highlights specific social and political events that took place in our history that contributed to the rise and fall of the cigarette usage rates in the US.


I don't know about you, but learning more about how cigarettes came to play such a huge cultural role in our society was fascinating. It's really crazy that nearly half of all adults in the U.S. used to be cigarette smokers just a few decades ago. Those were the years where cigarette ads used to be featured in medical journals, college newspapers, and pretty much any available media outlet. Nowadays, you wouldn't even be able to imagine seeing cigarette ads on most of those mediums.


But one thing's for certain is that we as a country are moving in the right direction. The national cigarette consumption rate has been steadily declining over the years, and currently it's at an all-time record low.

This motivates me to stay on the Quit Train even more. It's not just about me. It's about our collective society - and how we're all becoming less dependent on this product.




Image via: Clarity Way

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well done,,, I,m sure glad I "don't smoke" 



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