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Does Nicotine Withdrawal Really Last For Months Or Years?

http://www.quittrain.com/topic/4753-videos-addressing-issues-early-in-your-quit/?p=162845 At some Internet sites there are people who try to give all readers the impression that nicotine withdrawal or what they refer to as post acute withdrawal symptoms can last for months or even years after quitting smoking. This video addresses the inaccuracy and the dangers of perpetuating this belief.


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Don't set yourself up for failure. When you quit you experience physical and psychological withdrawal.

It depends on a person and his smoking habits but both should peak at around day 3. This is because nicotine is metabolized by the body and by day three you should be "clean". 

After that you will have a period during which you will be coughing out all the garbage you took in and it will take some time for your body to adjust to new settings.


Many moons have passed but if I remember correctly it took 5 days of coughing for the lungs to clear. Not smoking gave sort of a boost so for few days I had problems falling asleep as I was brimming with energy...


All the "withdrawal symptoms" are either your body cleaning itself or adjusting to run on a higher gear. They are positive and actually try to notice and enjoy them as they happen.


Psychological is due to a habit. I have to say that I still sometimes think what it would be like to have a smoke. That's completely normal as every event or activity used to be followed by a cigarette. If you find yourself thinking about smoking ask yourself - why would i smoke? 


And don't beat yourself up if you slip up. That means that you still associate smoking with something positive. Look into why you smoked and truly understand that smoking doesn't give you anything positive. 


Smoking is a self perpetuating circle of misery. Good luck!



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