I'll be 50 next year. i don't want to think about how many dreams I couldn't afford over the years, while I continued to buy cigerettes.
It's so suductive. It's only a few dollars at a time. I'm always going to quit tomorrow, next week, soon.
Enough! I am currently doing a nutritional program where I cannot enjoy even a glass of wine - and wine and smoking was always unquestionably linked for me.
So, this is it. We are a go. I am keeping on my nutritional program via a check in group and I hope this group will serve the same purpose for quiting smoking.
I'm going to be able to meet my daughter in Hawaii at Christmas (she is in Asia, I am in North America) because I am not spending any more money on cigerettes. Then, next year, I'll follow some other adventure - because I will be healthy (I am not unhealthy, but healthier) and my pockets will have jingle.
Thanks in advance for your support :)
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