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TinaT's Blog

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So it begins!


I am finally ready to quit smoking and face this thing head on! After nearly twenty years of being a slave to cigarettes, I'm going to do what ever it takes to free myself from these damn things!


I know that many people have tried different approached to becoming smoke-free.


Some have been successful with nicotene gum and patches.


Some have been successful with shots and prescriptions.


Some have quit cold turkey and never looked back.


I know I need help, so I'm going to try hypnosis. I did a lot of research and asked family and friends for advice. I think I've found the person that I'll be working with. His name is Dr. Sewell. If you want to take a peek at his site:




I finally got up the nerve to call his office. My first session ( and quit day!) is in two weeks!


I'm kinda freaking out.


I'm not a heavy smoker. I guess I'm what you call a "normal" smoker. I smoke between 10-15 cigarettes a day, more if I go out for a night out on the town.


I'm gonna use this blog as my personal journal, a place where I can share my feelings and thoughts with others as I prepare to face this thing head on!


If anyone else is curious about Dr. Sewell, here's a Youtube video:



Wish me luck! :D

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Recommended Comments

K. Lou


Good luck Tina and congratulations on your decision! I have never tried hypnosis and I don't know anyone who had so I have no helpful information for you. I am curious though about all this. I really hope this helps you to quit and stay quit. I really hope you write about your experience.



Good luck Tina, You can if you think you can-period

I urge you to give it your best

study the drug-it helps a lot

It is a bitch @ first but in a week its eaiser-

You,ll be so glad you quit in no time at all,   Stay in touch here- read everything - get the facts, then its a lot easier

to quit- smoking is one big ass lie,,, ande it kills us,,





Hi Tina,

I just logged on to this site today 9/2/2015....I must tell you...10-15 cigs a day is NOT a normal smoker....its been months since you posted this...I hope by now you are a non-smoker.

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